Sunday, December 7, 2008

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Treviso: priests border seen by a Freemason

Interview with Don Claudio better integration in volume "Memory of reality glimpsed" , offered me an opportunity to put two questions to a well known professional Treviso, entered the lodge "Spring" of Treviso.

In the diocese of Treviso priests are engaged in frontier situations, with a past as a priest-workers, who are struggling to cope with a pyramid-shaped church, with the church hierarchy ...

The men all in one piece, those pure, are not inclined to mediation, have always exercised great fascination and attraction for many people, myself included. There is no doubt that these credentials have enormous capacity to get involved in discussion and, dare and the strength to take tough decisions and consistent with the teaching of the Gospel. The role that these men have always exercised in the Church, was crucial. It happens, in any context, that the leader tends to detach itself from reality and these men, their loneliness and their testimonies have the ability to awaken dormant consciences. However, we must realistically take into account that a set of people who are civil institutions, the Catholic Church and so on., Have the ability to operate, influence and last, if they can give an organization, including bureaucratic mold . A club, company, trade union, a political party, any other form of association are inevitably entities with a pyramidal structure and organization. The Church's ability to perpetuate the millennia is symbolic and was made possible both by the attention paid by those who, even with the sacrifice of his life, he testified in accord with the Word of Jesus Christ, what the organizational structure of the same, often perceived as a burden, but in fact essential to its survival. My conclusions are as follows: because secular entity like the Catholic Church continues to exist in order to pursue his goal, he needs both top men, able to stir the consciences of all, is an organizational system. Only one report of osmosis, the exchange between these two seemingly dichotomous, can determine the proper harmonious relationship.

the light of its experience in Freemasonry, considering the fact that as a priest, Father Claudio as improved, living in an old farmhouse in the country of Castelfranco Veneto, along with seven super observant Muslims, where coexistence is based only to share expenses and about living together?

premise that the act is inspired by the trio of Mason Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. For example, the peace of "Camp David" between Egyptians and Israelis was made possible and created by three brothers Freemasons: Jimmy Carter, U.S. president, Anwar El Sadat, President of Egypt and Menachem Begin, President of the State of Israel, who were animated by these principles. Sadat paid with his life then his choice. That said, a Catholic priest shares brotherly moments of life of practicing Muslims, is to me a hymn to the brotherhood as proof that, without denying what has been and is, dialogue and coexistence are possible between different people on in ethnic, cultural and religious.
[Taken from volume "What spring for the widow's son? Treviso seen and experienced by the Masons of a lodge of Grand Orient of Italy ", GM editor, December 2008, pp. 36-38].

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there are no misspellings, the graphics are treated as well as images.

official website of the Italian Federation of baseball and softball. The address and telephone numbers are on the home page

the interests of the site are clear, the site promotes the activities of the federation, on the home page there are the logos of the sponsors (all sponsors technicians)

the headlines are updated daily

the topic of the website is just the baseball

I found what I was looking for! The complete rules of baseball.

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suffer of an inflamed elbow, and unfortunately I can not come Wednesday, 19.11.2008 in Lugano. I will surely have the opportunity to follow your activities with "MindMeister", "blog" and so on. Meanwhile, as requested I send my analysis of 3 sites (the site of the which was on the committee for many years), (un'albergo in Belfort in France that I seem to have some structured for viewing photos) and www . : :

· Accuracy: good, bilingual (French and German), access for those who have difficulty speaking and understanding should include the most visual (Similar all'acesso of photos of Vauban described below)

· Authoritative: good links with various national and international

· Update: Good

· Objectivity: good

· Coverage: good, knowing that last month celebrated its 25th anniversary, it lacks the history of the association :

· Accuracy: good, entertaining access to the photos of the rooms

· Authoritative: un'albergo who wants to sell its services does not seem so important

· Update: good, but this is very important to those who want to sell

· Objectivity: The interests are clear, since the image corresponds to reality can be seen only with a stay at the

· Coverage: provides information on the important things: pictures and prices geographical indications to find the hotel

www.ladante . ch :

· Accuracy: good

· Authoritative: is delegated to individual committees that handle this task in different way

· Update: Some information about the dates are not current, certain committees such as Olten only shows the program in 2006, Baden to the next activity will be January 21, 2008 .

· Objectivity: good

· Cover: Common information is lacking Dante Alighieri Society in Switzerland, for the history and Further information is given, however, the link to the Italian site.

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I sought information on Selenium and I visited the site via google

Analysis: Accuracy
seems good, many scientific terms (T-Killer, IL), vague news about data coming from research.
Authoritative ok
Objectivity information is accurate for the sale of pharmaceutical products
Update ok
Coverage information on selenium sufficient for a first contact, but put in a commercial context .

Monday, November 17, 2008

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analysis of three sites by Luca Peverelli

first site visited: about my work as a teacher, trying to peek into other people's houses (CPC competitor in Sottoceneri):

1 Accuracy: The site is very nice, is easy to access, and then judge him good. Authoritative
2: being an official site of an educational institution is authoritative and there are several
external links.
Update 3: I feel good though not quite up to date online. 4
Objectivity: considerations relating to the school.
5 cover: good. According

visited: rejoicing because they are an active member, as a hobby, in TV productions:

1 Accuracy: simple, very concise, to discover.
Authoritative 2: a few considerations, it is limited to links to external partners for TV shoots.
3 Update: a bit 'weak, it is not updated constantly. It would take more active members. Objectivity
4: good although there is little to say.
5 Cover: I think it can be more complete. We must work harder.

third site visited: the town where I live:

1 Accuracy: very simple, almost too much. I think it should be improved. Authoritative
2: some useful address, but the absence of authoritative links.
Update 3: I would say simply because I found some inaccuracies in dates, from
improve. 4
Objectivity: information given by an authority, then assumed to be true.
5 covers can be improved.

Friday, November 14, 2008

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monica Caldelari

3 sites I have visited the following five criteria according to the data:

1. good, some links and comments in English to facilitate their accessibility
2. good, also relies on external links with the opinions of other competent persons
3. good, meets the needs / concerns of patients
4. good
5. good

1. good
2. good, is written by a
3. good, you can find many answers and many documents with ease (Photo OK)
4. a bit 'lacking on certain topics such as school (projects, ...)
5. good

1. The German version is wider!
2. good
3. if yes is supposed to be more oriented to foreign visitors
4. okay the part concerning the proposed new
5. okay

Thursday, November 6, 2008

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sites Marco Rossi

I have analyzed three sites close to me. That the town of Stabio (work), the Philharmonic Stabio (hobby, we sound) and the football club Mendrisio-Stabio (my son plays with it).
1) There are several shortcomings, such as the monuments are cited, but the photo is relevant only for two or three
2) It seems ok, God forbid , is the site of a town!
3) There are some pages on topics not clear who chose them?
4) the narrow city is quite up to date, but other parts have never been touched, such as e-mail address of the school is old, now abandoned.
5) OK, I feel fine.
general comment: from an official of a municipality would expect better.
1) OK
OK 3) OK
4) there are a few shortcomings, but in general is fairly up to date
5) OK
In its simplicity is a good site for me.
1) Some part is unsatisfactory
2) OK
3) It is clear that it is part of
4) There are some shortcomings, but in general is fairly up to date.
5) OK
The main purpose, to give information about the company is fairly reached.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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criteria for assessing a site

Dear students,

criteria for evaluating a website include:


Please remember to observe the delivery of 3 sites and publish a post on this blog with the analysis.

Sincerely, Luke and Emma

Thursday, October 23, 2008

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An amazing journey in current history of the United States from 1999 to 2007. The prophecy hidden in the ads of the ancient alchemists of Europe: a queen of our time, a Queen for the United States of America. A message of love, compassion and wisdom. A compelling story that flows into the depths of time and the upheavals of life - love, war, loss, death - through turning points in surprise: the eve of 2000, in New York and the dazzling lights of an impending attack, to to 2007 with a final overwhelming. Who is Samantha? It 'really the future Queen of the United States that will bring a message of peace in the world? It gradually reveals the gear in which they connect more than thirty characters - ruthless, ironic, picturesque, poignant, passionate, unpredictable - immersed in political intrigue and dark landscapes of tangible beauty. A trip around the world from Europe to the modern and futuristic Shanghai thirsty bellezza.Il Mcfire cynicism of Jack, the agent steep, thorny and impassive Intelligence clashes in the melee of love with Anna, Bart, a woman that will help in the investigation, and the undeniable and exceptional quality of Samara, the first child, then a teenager, and finally a young woman. Minimize the initial track, a random intercept, which unravels the search becomes hunt until the last breath. In pursuit of ruthless men and women who want to eliminate unscrupulous Samara reveal a conspiracy rooted in centuries and hidden ads the coming of a Queen who carries a code name from the time of European alchemists' Den Asor Samara. Samara, indefinable and mysterious heroine of our time, not seeking glory. It 's the history of the world to race meeting. It happens gradually, under a system of two American presidents and the background of muffled winds of war growing in the foreground. Present past and future merge into one momento.Nulla had happened. Neither wars nor incoronazioni.Tutto had happened, wars, coronations. What is dream, what is reality? It 's really happened? In the end the Queen leaves us with words that reveal a place of truth. IN LIBRARY AND ONLINE

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Irma Cantoni was born in Brescia and lives in Rome. always likes to read and write. For over twenty years following meditation paths with teachers of various nationalities. He studied naturopathy and disciplines bioenergy Bologna. He has published "Beyond all borders" by Lama Ole Nydahl. In addition to this novel, published the essay "The Dance of Energy" with Gianantonio Corna.


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THE QUEEN OF THE UNITED STATES Ibiskos Publishing Risolo Some libraries recommended BRESCIA Library Librelma Via Montello 47 / c (trav. Via Vittorio Veneto) Brescia Phone and Fax 030/390261 Email: Library Fabula BERGAMO, Via Tasso, 52 ROME Library and Cultural Center BIBLI Via dei bluegrass, 28 - Trastevere, Rome. Tel.06-5814534 (see map) MILAN Archives 900, Via Montevideo, 9 Feltrinelli, Piazza Piemonte 2 / 4 Odradek Library, Via Principe Eugenio, 28 BOLOGNA A Feltrinelli, Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, 1 Meeting Paper, Via San Vitale, 4 You can also order the book by phone, writing or sending an e-mail to: Ibiskos Publishing Antoinette Risolo Via Campania, Empoli 3150053 [fi] tel. [+39] 0571.99.41.44 - fax [+39] 0571.99.35.23 ORDER ON LINE OR BY . html Edition: Ibiskos Publishing Risolo
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Thursday, September 18, 2008

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

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In 2006 the author wrote with Gianantonio Corna, an essay on the Discipline of energy, with a preface by Marisa Laurito. A BOOK TIMELESS, thought and written FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO REALLY UNDERSTAND HOW TO APPROACH THE DYNAMICS OF ENERGY The Paper was presented at the Book Fair in Rome in December 2007 and the International Book Fair of Turin in May 2007. (video presentation 2006) DANCE ENERGY The quantum leap of joy in the balance of body and mind From the book, a simple exercise to regenerate.
Make room in your mind, close my eyes and concentrate on your breathing, thinking
"I feel my breath, I'm breathing.
"Now count from one to seven, inhaling and exhaling slowly
and then, in reverse, from seven to one.
Each number corresponds to an inhalation and exhalation:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Now let your mind be free and imagine:
"I'm in a forest, the sun's rays are warm, the trees give me shade."
Feel every sensation as pure and invigorating:
"I let myself go through the breath of the trees.
I feel the beauty. "
" I feel the breath of trees intertwined with mine.
Now we are a single breath.
from the roots, branches, leaves, leaving the rays of light beam. They bring
minerals, heat, water, electricity, and dissolve into me.
The beat of my heart beats with the Universe.
"Return, counting from one to seven
and then backwards from seven to one:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Ed now he thanks, open your eyes and choose:
"I am ready to help."

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

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The silent dialogue

your blog readers to suggest that the testimony of Don Claudio Miglioranza included in the book" Memory glimpsed reality ", edited by Olivo Bolzon and Marisa Restello , GM editor 2008, pp. 120, € 10.00. This volume is inserted in the series Questions of identity" and is distributed by Tredieci Ponzano Veneto (tel. 440 031 0422 - fax 0422 963835).


talks to Don Claudio IMPROVED

Cananzi Giulia (1)

[ Don Claudio improved at San Vito d'Altivole, August 26, 2008 ]

inside but outside. But with the parish over the parish with the Church but on its margins, but with God through men, but among the people with the last, but in the city and the suburbs. A life you can not scan in a few words, yet those who know Don Claudio Miglioranza knows that these are his horizons. It is almost natural, therefore, expect to find his house in the territory of Castelfranco Veneto, but at its boundaries, dispersed among the last intact tissues of the Venetian countryside. 'For a little - said Claudia, pointing at an invisible line through the windshield of the car, along the horizon of red earth - there will build a bypass. " A note without further comment, that hides a little 'homesick. Although he did not admit it. He does not like to expose the feelings or talk of this man with white hair and beard long, a little 'Beethoven, a little' Isaiah, a little bear 'and some' grandfather, strange, painful life. The old house stands naked in the square of the plots. The winter has planed each crop and the damp earth rests. Then, the paved road ends, continue a path properly in place, the last part is the festival of the hole: "Our road is not under the care of the City - apologizes - and we, as maintainers are not that great." The other figure is its irony, the ability to demystify and to laugh even of themselves and their choices. Pull the brake, we arrived. When getting off your feet leave footprints in the mud compact, greenish interrupted by tufts of grass. To the left of the hen house, in front of the house on the ground floor houses a small workshop in bookbinding. "It's my kingdom. Bound and shelter books. I am the last remaining priest works'. He says with a hint of pride mixed with nostalgia. Like a patriarch at sunset or the last of the Mohicans. Notices it and smiles. The door a bell like the ones that mark time in monasteries and a crucifix in wrought iron, with limbs protruding from the rush of matter. Campanella and crucified, and the faith community that is embodied: the symbols are never by accident. In the small living room is a strange quiet, three Senegalese greeted politely and to sink back into silence. In another dining room, head down, fast
a long rosary beads of white, while the most vocal of all, Cheihk - will be granted a couple of short jokes - is cooking for the crew. "We speak we speak, they shut up. Have been together for years, yet they do not know many things about each other. From them I learned that not only communicate with words. Too bad kitchen so bad. They all have a stomach ache but continue to make sauces hallucinating. " He does it to provoke, phlegmatic Cheihk smiles and continues to burn the remaining feathers of a chicken leg on the flame. "Look, do not speak. So I came to ask them if I'm hosting them or if they are to accommodate me. " Cheihk ventures out of the silence and the bar with his Italian a bit 'nasal' You know. Are we that we host you. " Claudio has chosen to live with seven Senegalese done so for decades. "They belong to a fraternity very observant Muslims, the Mourid, another world for me to discover. " From the anthropological point of view is very interesting but the basic question remains: there is a Catholic priest with seven Muslims superosservanti and quiet, secluded in a country house with an iron cross on the door? We settle in the small bookbinding for the interview. Claudio did a little 'space on the large work desk full of papers and newspaper articles. The order must not be his forte. Behind us the old stove crackles around the smell of smoke and memories.

[ Don Claudio to Don Silvio Favrin in San Vito d'Altivole, 26 agosto 2008 ]

«Credo che la mia storia sia il paradigma di un’epoca. Ero in Seminario quando mi sono trovato a respirare l’aria del Concilio Vaticano II, la sua apertura al mondo ma anche le sue contraddizioni. A volte ero diviso tra l’obbedienza agli stimoli della Chiesa, audace in certi documenti, e la sua prudenza nell’applicazione. Ero entrato in Seminario nel 1954, sulla scia di altri compaesani. Se mi giro indietro mi faccio tenerezza da solo. Ero un tipo imbranato, senza infamia e senza lode. Non ho mai coltivato virtù eroiche ma neanche eccessiva trasgressività. Credo che la mediocrità mi abbia salvato dalla rigida disciplina del Seminario, dove si dava the voting on "care" and "walking". In high school I was not being clarified vocation. I squeezed neurotically the brain and the soul before the Blessed Sacrament: "Lord, what do you want from me?". But nothing. The answer came to me from inside, as I expected, but from the outside. She did not come for me but for the world. It was my Copernican revolution. A shock, an epiphany. The Church was not only Treviso but it was the universal one. The great Council has invested me like a river in flood. It was no longer possible to love God without loving man. "

But if you were a no heroic virtues, what happened to you?
"I wonder too. So I do not understand the flight into pure spiritualism and the lack of passion of many young priests who luckily they survived the vote on the walk. Certainly from there started my labor. Long but exciting, painful, at times, but always accompanied by the joy of giving oneself. " At that time, the experience of the Italian bishops opened Fidei Donum and for Latin America Theological Seminary of Verona, which Claudio has requested to join, now no longer any doubt as to his vocation. Then, in the starting 70 for Argentina. It was the first real encounter with the vast world and poverty.

How did it go?
"The Argentina upset me life. It was not just poverty that we have caused, it was the injustice done to the system. I have lived all military dictatorship, until Videla. I had gone to live in a villa miseria, a shanty town, the pleasant name "Garden", that garden. There was nothing but poverty, there was fear, uncertainty, tension. The guerrillas burned in the ashes, while the authorities were living with the specter of communism. " People strong experience which had been merged with an ecclesial experience challenging, that the priests of the Third World, after the bishops' conference of Medellin (1968), in which the Church had stood up for the disadvantaged and their struggles. "The priests worked in the Third World villas miserias - Claudio continues - some have disappeared during the dictatorship: from them I learned the passion and loyalty to the people. Although today I smile a bit 'of this concept: it means people? I lived there, but their internal suffering, their difficulties with the hierarchy, their attempt to build from below the foundations of the Church. "

And what did you chose for you?
"After thinking it over and restrained the urge to do the typical missionary's part of what fixes, I decided two things: I would not own nothing, I'd been looking for understanding, I would have added little by little in their lives and together we built the Church, which is made up of men and women first and then the walls. So I started to attend the Board of the district, the association of parents of elementary school, the meetings organized by a clinic. The second thing is that I decided that I would work, just like my parishioners. I wanted to keep as long as the people themselves did not feel the need to support my service. I dreamed
a church that was fixed from the bottom. So, I put pen to paper and wrote to my friends in Italy, "Do not blame me but I think I give up your financial aid." But there is help and also finished the match. "

Who made you do?
"My choice, I promise to live a normal life, I tried to deny everything that could easily, which could put a distance, almost a form of power between them and me. Today, even that sounds conceited because I choose poverty as there is never born.
I remember an episode: I worked with shovel y pico (with pick and shovel), as they say there, to make a drain, at some point, the other worker, a young Argentine, said: "It is convenient to the curita trabajador (the little priest worker) when you can do without. " It was awful. But on the other hand, get to eat together at noon on degraded and one of the greatest satisfactions in life. "

The local church support you?
"Let's say that the Bishop had some difference of opinion. I was still a priest that looked like a priest, who had no church or aspire to build a brick and that, moreover, worked. So I decided not to have an official work and this was a grace. Why I started to really live like the inhabitants of the district I worked from time to time, I installed the plumbing or sewage with a friend Paraguayan persecuted for political reasons. "

And people?
"By the time I have felt like one of them. Indeed, in the darkest moments, I felt safe only inside the villa miseria, where others would not have even dreamed of setting foot. A passport that I had won on the field. "

[ Marisa Restello, curator - with Don Olivo Bolzon - the book "Memory of reality glimpsed" ]

Why did you leave?
"The Bishop had put me together with a priest of the Third World, Pablo, a Spaniard. I bonded with him. When Bishop decided to move, I went to ask him why. Even so I was following the rules. And there has been a scene almost comic: I accused himself, and he defended me. I've decided to leave, but there I must do so in accordance with the bishop. "

within the Church but outside. One who speaks to you has this feeling.
"Fidelity to the outcast drags you out of the normal fees. I believe that the Church, like any human institution, has inevitably its contradictions. But I am sure of being faithful and obedient to its demands. "

What regret that experience in Argentina?
"was not able to see the fruits of that working with people. "

What did you remain in the bag?
"The villa misery delivered me, gave me the realization that life can be lived one day at a time and that in reality it takes very little to live it fully."

In 1976 you came back in Italy: what have you found?
"It was a very vibrant period in our history. A Castelfranco Veneto was a group of priests who would meet every week to carry out work in common. A very powerful experience. But I was back at the beginning with my arrogance of thinking missionary heading to Brazil: I already had an agreement with a small community of brothers. Do not aspired to a place of pastor, I wanted a life of communion with people. But then I realized that this experience was unique Venetian priests: there was a great sharing, decisions were acquired together, not by the Bishop was never alone. Gradually I realized that I could perform my mission here. And so I returned to live with my parents, feeling strange after nearly seven years of misery villa. And I started to be a plumber with my brother. "

Do your parents understand your reasons?
"I never really understood." The memory is veiled tenderness and Claudio start screens. "You the story but not write, is not important. One day my father told me: "With all you have to do what it takes to work?". I told him: "Dad, I remember that when the mother said, 'sti working poor priests as' you say,' that none come to the ovens, presses to and see what it means to work." Then he said: "I understood and below, but I no lo Faria." He did not say anything anymore. But for me that "he understood and below" has a huge significance. My father worked in a factory, I was the family intellectual. At home I was dressed for the occasion. I confess I felt a burden. I am grateful to my not having to never did weigh the difference. "

therefore wanted a life of community, outside the parish but also in connection with the parish, as you have made?
"I've talked a lot with the other priests I felt supported and validated by the group. Until one day the senior pastor of Loreggia, Don Antonio Serafin, said, "are you convinced? So share! ". And I came to this house to rent, it was 1978. Looking back I do not know if I would have the courage to do it again. At this point I came up again the same problem I had in Argentina: What do I do now? To what extent can we priests share in the life of the people? Among other things here too I was an anomalous figure: I was a priest without a parish, but he celebrated Mass in the parish, who worked and had a soft spot for shady people. "

And you open the doors of this house to toxic. Why?
"Why was the drug problem in those days, a new phenomenon. The first drugs were committed people who came from church groups but also by constant struggle or groups. The drug was seen as an alternative form of socialization, a search path. In the bottom of my community was also an alternative. "

The local church has agreed with this as your choice?
"Did well received from the first moments though not in official form. The bishop then, Mistrorigo Antonio, a few weeks of my community, took advantage of a meeting of priests in the area to address questions about the drug problem and ask me how I was. This was his endorsement. "

What to look for this experience?
"I wanted to understand: I thought that the marginalization of drug addicts were marginalized by the rich and the people of villas miserias marginalization of poor, in fact, the exclusion is always poor devils in every latitude. Only at that time did not know. So I refused to call the experience "therapeutic community" and I naively called "community of life." It was a resounding failure. To try to do life together with junkies is self-defeating. We drink the blood, you drain your energy. You can never count on their honesty, you should always strive to read between the lines. "

When did you realize that it could not work?
"While I kept my lofty speeches in a toxic community told me:" I came here because I have a drug problem, do not ask read many books. " Hit and sunk. I sadly have to agree that the only way out was go to a therapeutic community, where it is now clear, do not share anything. We continued for 10 years, but we had neither the staff nor the appropriate environment. I closed my exhaustion. It was an experience of one thick enormous human but scientifically untenable. But there I experienced the depths of human exclusion. "

A chapter closed, your compass as a missionary brought you into contact with another exclusion, that of foreign immigrants. How did you ran?
"Through another priest, Giuliano Vallotto that time was in 1987, deals with the reception of the first immigrants. He asked me to accept a few. It seemed to me an interesting opportunity. I was excited to know a new world, rich and primordial. And maybe I was a bit 'presumptuous: after all I've ever been to America, I! I was fascinated by Islam, its direct relationship with God and then the idea of \u200b\u200ba different community life, enriched by other cultures. Thus came the first three Senegalese, who in turn called other Senegalese. At an altitude of seven I said stop. I did not want to make a host community, I wanted to live with them. "
I think even this time it went exactly according to your expectations.
"Well, I had a mania for cultural exchange. They had simply need a roof and a job. I wanted to speak for their culture are silent. And then there's the huge language barrier. Our partnership is based on the share of expenditure and live together. "

you have ever asked you about your religion or whether you're a priest?
"No, and I believe that my religion did not understand much. Only once a marabou , their imam, he asked a blessing. End of interreligious relations. "

So what is the value of this experience?
The discovery of the true essence. They live on very little. The few words are part of their frugality. I wanted to communities, exchange experiences, but they are well aware of being here only need to keep their wives and children. We always cover our feet on the ground. You might also want to make a fool: if people invites you to dinner are able to stop and answer all'antipasto rather dryly, "so I have enough, thank you." From them I learned the meaning of Ramadan, which is a great exercise in discipline. And I realized that fasting is
done for those suffering from hunger, chi mangia tanto è solo una terapia. Per loro il mezzo di interazione non è la parola e il luogo per comunicare non è la tavola imbandita come spesso è da noi. I senegalesi mangiano insieme da un unico piatto in soli dieci minuti. La comunicazione avviene dopo, finito il pasto: per questo le cerimonie del tè sono infinite ai nostri occhi. Stare con loro significa sperimentare altri spazi dell’essere».

Mentre Claudio conclude la frase, percepisco che tra loro non c’è solo una muta conoscenza, c’è un affetto profondissimo, di cui non parlerebbero mai. Ne ho la conferma quando Fallou appare, claudicante, coi capelli bianchi che rigano i fitti ricciolini. «Come stai Fallou?» chiede Claudio. "I'm pretty well" he says. "As usual, says he is right," replies Claudius, "that goes without saying that I'm wrong?" Concludes the Senegalese, then greeted politely and walks away. "It is terrible - I said Claudio - he had a bad accident at work, when I knew I fell upon the world. Since then he has undergone many operations, it has never recovered. It is here as a soul suspended:
is to continue to send money from the disability pension to his family but his heart is in Senegal. Those rare occasions when he can return home, is revived, it is to his feet despite the pain here and let his staff: Do not sell out never his dignity. "

It's late, it's time to go. Claudio goes to another room to take his coat. Cheihk unexpectedly released from his silence and dares the second phrase of the evening: "Claudio is a good man." Am a little 'surprise, look at him waiting for other words. Useless. He smiles and returns to silence. We climb into the car. Outside it's pitch dark, the mist in the valley flickering beams of light projected from lights. With the mind to the different stages of the story of Claudius in Argentina has been unable to enjoy the fruits of his labor, neither here has become the patron of a therapeutic community for drug addicts and now disagrees with the Senegalese word, as waited, but silence. It's like a sow generously, that he never asked anything for himself, the way to reach the final is not linear, it gives you check, you will always put into play. Claudio has done everything to enter the body and blood of the people, as his cross on the door, but most entered the field, picking fruit more intangible, imperceptible to the eye town.

Suddenly, as we move away, the house seems like a lighthouse and Claudio is his guardian. Around the Venetian countryside widens like a sea. That beacon to remind you that if you truly believe, Christ within the last with which you decide to break bread. Although it is a Muslim superosservante and quiet, that does not even know how to cook.

(1) GIULIA Cananzi (1966) is of Calabrian origin and adoption of Treviso. Degree in languages, is a journalist specializing on issues of international solidarity. From 1994 he worked in the drafting of the "Messenger of Saint Anthony," for which follows the themes of social morality. Collaborate with St. Anthony's Charities, an institution of international solidarity.