Sunday, December 7, 2008

Avcapture Mfc Application

Treviso: priests border seen by a Freemason

Interview with Don Claudio better integration in volume "Memory of reality glimpsed" , offered me an opportunity to put two questions to a well known professional Treviso, entered the lodge "Spring" of Treviso.

In the diocese of Treviso priests are engaged in frontier situations, with a past as a priest-workers, who are struggling to cope with a pyramid-shaped church, with the church hierarchy ...

The men all in one piece, those pure, are not inclined to mediation, have always exercised great fascination and attraction for many people, myself included. There is no doubt that these credentials have enormous capacity to get involved in discussion and, dare and the strength to take tough decisions and consistent with the teaching of the Gospel. The role that these men have always exercised in the Church, was crucial. It happens, in any context, that the leader tends to detach itself from reality and these men, their loneliness and their testimonies have the ability to awaken dormant consciences. However, we must realistically take into account that a set of people who are civil institutions, the Catholic Church and so on., Have the ability to operate, influence and last, if they can give an organization, including bureaucratic mold . A club, company, trade union, a political party, any other form of association are inevitably entities with a pyramidal structure and organization. The Church's ability to perpetuate the millennia is symbolic and was made possible both by the attention paid by those who, even with the sacrifice of his life, he testified in accord with the Word of Jesus Christ, what the organizational structure of the same, often perceived as a burden, but in fact essential to its survival. My conclusions are as follows: because secular entity like the Catholic Church continues to exist in order to pursue his goal, he needs both top men, able to stir the consciences of all, is an organizational system. Only one report of osmosis, the exchange between these two seemingly dichotomous, can determine the proper harmonious relationship.

the light of its experience in Freemasonry, considering the fact that as a priest, Father Claudio as improved, living in an old farmhouse in the country of Castelfranco Veneto, along with seven super observant Muslims, where coexistence is based only to share expenses and about living together?

premise that the act is inspired by the trio of Mason Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. For example, the peace of "Camp David" between Egyptians and Israelis was made possible and created by three brothers Freemasons: Jimmy Carter, U.S. president, Anwar El Sadat, President of Egypt and Menachem Begin, President of the State of Israel, who were animated by these principles. Sadat paid with his life then his choice. That said, a Catholic priest shares brotherly moments of life of practicing Muslims, is to me a hymn to the brotherhood as proof that, without denying what has been and is, dialogue and coexistence are possible between different people on in ethnic, cultural and religious.
[Taken from volume "What spring for the widow's son? Treviso seen and experienced by the Masons of a lodge of Grand Orient of Italy ", GM editor, December 2008, pp. 36-38].