Friday, January 30, 2009

What Does A Gray Wolf Symbolize

A day of remembrance in memory for emigrants


Istria and the Dalmatian
told by those who lived it on their skin

The first time I read something Istria was when, as a teenager, I had in my hands "The fifth season of Fulvio Tomizza: a book that gave me a lot and, unfortunately, has not been reprinted but - I am convinced - should be offered as reading, particularly the boys of the early years of secondary schools. Then, for a paper to be developed more in the fifth, I met a group of exiles from Istria and Dalmatia as well as to give me a copy of the Treaty of Osimo, I spoke extensively of their conditions of men and women brutally expelled from their region and their exodus .
In 2000 was published the book "The Exodus - The tragedy denied the Italians from Istria, Dalmatia, and Venezia Giulia", by Petacco Arrigo, who returns to the drama and the death of thousands of Italians who are victims of "ethnic cleansing" desired by the then Yugoslav communist regime. Our compatriots killed by militants and dumped in sinkholes Tito (1945-1946) are still buried in history books because they branded as "fascists" when, in fact, their only crime was to be in a land border. What Petacco said in his book is the result of extensive research in archives, and reading the extensive memoirs and journalism that tells the story of Julian. Stories and dramas, though, that was limited mostly in the Istrian exiles, Julian and Dalmatian: a large part of Italian society tends to ignore even for the obscurantism practiced until a few years ago, executives of what was the Italian Communist Party. So there is a chapter in our national history to be rewritten, also shed light on other deaths, for example, the partisans were killed in the massacre of Porzus on 7 February 1945 when a group of Italian Communists killed other partisans, their fellow countrymen because "white" and guilty of wanting to defend the territorial integrity of their country by the expansionist ambitions of Tito.
The Italians were forced to leave their country of origin, and what they owned in terms of houses and farms, were about three hundred thousand, and were about a thousand people, including women and children, those infoibate. But what is a "foiba? Regina Cimmino, who has experienced the hard way what it means to be an exile Istrian wrote:
" are natural openings nell'aspro Karst, covered with little vegetation, traps are true with the opening of the funnel upside down, deep and often, quest'Istria so stingy with water, a river bottom .
The Cimmino continues
" How many were thrown in? Women children, friends, enemies, civilians, soldiers did not serve a political coloring, especially being Italian enough. It was not just a leap of faith, having suffered the worst torture, were tied together with barbed wire, the first shot that would have carried weight with his mates still live in what would be the their tomb, on which no one would ever cry. Dying for fractures, wounds, bleeding, hunger: better to die now. Yet one managed to escape, wrists two bracelets of blood, which is in the heart and mind? .
Reflecting on these recent excerpts from the book of Mrs. Regina Cimmino, I structured the interview follows. [...]
Taken from the book "A Memory for migrants ", edited by Charles Silvano, GM editor 2007, pp. 96, € 10. In Treviso, the volume distribution is followed by TREDIECI Distribution, via Fratelli Rosselli 19 / 5 to 31050 Villorba (Treviso) tel. 0422 440031, fax 963 835 0422.


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