Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cat Allergies Symptoms How Long Last

Meeting Villorba

Tuesday, April 28, at 15:00,
at the premises of the Public Library of Villorba,
there was the presentation of the book:


The event was promoted by the Trevisani nel Mondo
(section Villorba) and the Association Auser (section Villorba).

After the greeting
Castelnuovo di Matilde (President Auser - Villorba)
and John Borsato (President Trevisani nel Mondo - Villorba)
was attended by the editor of the book, Carla Silva, and Don Canuto
Toso (founder of Trevisani World).

Among the audience was this journalist Antonio Figo (La Tribuna di Treviso)
a journalist and broadcaster's TV EDEN.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Best Drugstore Foundation Non Comedogenic

Association Trevisani nel Mondo
(section Villorba)
Association Auser
(section Villorba)

have promoted a cultural meeting

for Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 15:00

at the headquarters of the Public Library of
Villorba being Centa 90

Canuto TOSO
present the book
"Memories in migrants "

( volume of the series "Questions of identity" )

to tell the story of the founding and growth of the Association
Trevisani nel Mondo

Speakers :

Matilde Castelnuovo
President Auser - Villorba

John Borsato
President Trevisani nel Mondo - Villorba

Carlo Silvano

editor of the editorial series "Questions of identity" of the GM editor

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Print Plans For Halfpipe

Don Guido Santalucia presents "Memory of reality glimpsed"

Camposampiero On 2 April, in the province of Padua, Don Guido Santalucia has presented the book "Memory of the glimpsed reality" (GM editor 2008). I propose, here followed, is a quick guide signed by Marisa Restello.

If the title already suggests a dynamic interaction between what has already been and what the horizon soon as you see, Father Guido Santalucia, a young priest nearly ninety, in speaking of the book adds another: between the generation before the Council and the next. The headmaster had
Armando FISCON recalling that the series "Questions of identity " which the book belongs, is proposed to investigate the reality of our time making it stand out from the protagonists in the richness of its variables, thanks to the method developed by its curator, Carla Silva.
Strong interest has aroused Don Santalucia embedding the five interviews that make up the book in the history of that society and the Church have lived in the time of the Council and its initial implementation and uncertain (the period in which we still find it).

The depth of the changes door by pressing on the static nature of the Church and civil institutions posed causing vigorous debate and resistance to painful stress. In the understanding of education, for example, in determining the place responsibility and trust in the formation of the younger generation, including young priests. Well, in the understanding of Bishop Santalucia, the dialogue that develops between the personal experiences of these priests of different generation, is a further development of human history, social and religious period.
I recently read an interesting study on how to read and change the reader that the text read. This mutual maturation was very true in the presentation of the small book concerned, because we have received nearly renovated and re-integrated and experiential evangelical passion of the speaker.

Since Vatican Council II was born a desire to be priests in a new way, we capture unexpressed needs and expectations first. There were in the area of \u200b\u200bCastelfranco Veneto (Treviso), as in the whole province, moreover, strong situations of injustice that were painfully but resignedly accepted in both agricultural and industrial society. The new excitement and new knowledge calls into question this liability, the contact with the gospel awakens an intense yearning for more justice. This leads to tensions and conflicts, but is walking and the Church (at least one major part of it) does not hold back or be placed above, but is uncertain which side would you put Jesus and decisively in that direction, the break even cost of old alliances.

The debate following the presentation further develops this theme. Many of the objectives of the Council are still a dream, but we are not willing to give up our dreams, someone assured. On the other hand, said another, one senses a hint of pain in the interviews because of the difficulty with which new experiences are welcomed by the institutions, and yet just this awareness manifests in the persistence of the way the seed of prophecy. Something that draws from a distance but kept his part of the mystery and difficulty, and explains, perhaps, to the extent that you go and you walk together.
There were almost no young people present at the meeting, but expectations, hopes, energies that have emerged, those who were so full of fresh enthusiasm, sincerity and dedication for a better and just world is possible!

[ Marisa Restello ]

Thursday, April 9, 2009

South Park Walt Disney

meetings with readers / PRESENTATIONS

presentation of "THE QUEEN OF THE UNITED STATES" Place: Liceo scientifico LUNARDI of Brescia - Aula Magna Address: Via Riccobelli, 47 Brescia Saturday, January 24, 2009 - 11:00 am - 13:00 presentation of "THE QUEEN OF THE UNITED STATES" Location: NIRVANA - Piacenza Address: Piazza Casilino, 6 - Fiorenzuola D'Arda-Piacenza Thursday, January 22, 2009 - at 18:30 to 20:30 presentation of "THE QUEEN OF THE UNITED STATES" Location: "Tea and literature" at "The Club101's Tea & Literature" Planned for 28 Feb. h.16, 00 Brescia / Inglese language only /