Thursday, April 16, 2009

Best Drugstore Foundation Non Comedogenic

Association Trevisani nel Mondo
(section Villorba)
Association Auser
(section Villorba)

have promoted a cultural meeting

for Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 15:00

at the headquarters of the Public Library of
Villorba being Centa 90

Canuto TOSO
present the book
"Memories in migrants "

( volume of the series "Questions of identity" )

to tell the story of the founding and growth of the Association
Trevisani nel Mondo

Speakers :

Matilde Castelnuovo
President Auser - Villorba

John Borsato
President Trevisani nel Mondo - Villorba

Carlo Silvano

editor of the editorial series "Questions of identity" of the GM editor


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