Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rubber Maid Space Saver Drainer

Meeting sull'infibulazione

Friday, October 9, 2009, at 20:45, at the premises of the parish of Santandria Povegliano (Treviso), in a church, there will be a meeting on the subject of infibulation.

Speakers: Dr.

. Vincenzo ALOISI, gynecologist Dr.
. Massimo VALLI, pastoral worker
Dr. John BORSATO, Trevisani association president in the world - section Villorba

The meeting is open to all.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Printable Chinese Zodiac Placemats


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Family Guy Episode Running From Gay Thought

Miserere mei, the book of George Tognola

In this blog I am pleased to host a Swiss book publisher's "Olive Tree", written by Giorgio Tognola, and dedicated to Mesolcina and Calanca, two realities of the Grisons, who I treated in the book " A memory for emigrants' quote in the series Questions of identity.

For more than thirty years, he taught for ten years and is retired, spends his time taking care of the family - scattered between Ticino , Geneva and Africa -, garden, orchard and there are walks in the woods looking for mushrooms. Find some 'space for browsing in libraries and archives of the Italian-speaking Switzerland. We are talking about George Tognola , a native of Grono, who lately with the Olive Tree Publishing has published the book "Miserere mei", where he collected four tales set in the past centuries in Calanca and Mason valley, and as the official participants, humble women condemned as witches, peasants and religious.

Prof. Tognola, because that title to his book?
This is the title of the first story in the book and added that, in a sense, I "stole" the great Milanese poet Carlo Porta.

In that period he wrote the stories included in the volume?
The four stories in the book were designed for so many years, then, after they have ceased my activities as a teacher, I found time to write and present a select group of friends.

In his stories there is a mixture of truth drawn from his archival research and imagination. Why this formula?
Thinking of my potential readers, I wanted to make the thin paper that I consulted a bit 'more attractive stitching around some little something extra.

What documents consulted? Many
! For example, I have studied the record of an interrogation of an alleged witch found in the narrow store Roveredo (Graubünden Italian), the doctor's shabby quinternetto Soazza now housed in the 'Archive to Make "Mesocco," free defunctorum "held by the Capuchins of Santa Maria gullies, the transcript of the vice-Capuchin Mesolcina and Calanca which lies in the Archives of the Capuchin friars of the Ascent of Lugano, the old lady who will let me copy the text of the notebooks published Gioiero Antonio Grigionitaliani. All these documents have suggested to me the stories. As a teacher I could hook up - unfortunately not always - the attention of students with good stories of the historic Eileen Power (1899-1940), and it is thanks to the historic English that I could introduce and develop the themes that the program is not always easy history provided in the four years of college. My four stories have grown even thinking of "Life in the Middle Ages" (Einaudi, 1966), "There were too" (Bovolenta, 1981), "Boys in history (Bovolenta, 1982) and three books by Eileen Power.

In the first story describes life in the mountains and the witchcraft trials. On the latter, and as a historian, what are your considerations?
The constant misery, insecurity, being at the mercy of the forces of nature, the fragility and fear related to the mountain world, ignorance, hallucinations can only partially explain this very complex phenomenon we know as "hunting witch. " These explanations are insufficient, as the persecution of witches was rather an act of social intolerance; it coincided with moments of fear (Lutheran heresy, plague, war, and more) in which men see their power fail, the men no longer think with clarity, take refuge on immutable positions, on prejudice. In clear weather you can afford the luxury of skepticism, but when the storm rages men take refuge in conservatism, orthodoxy. These are a bit 'my remarks about the phenomenon of witchcraft.

In the story "History of a valley dweller in crude ex-jacket", dedicated to Colonel John and Antonio Gioiero Papal Knight, a native of Calanca, what is the boundary between reality and fantasy? For the story of Antonio
Gioiero I based on the book of the canon Simonet, Roveredo published in 1926, on the rider's head, the son of the records Gioiero Marca. Missing documents (and could not be more) on childhood, adolescence, education, the beginning of his military career, about forbidden love and his two illegitimate children. The meeting with the priest Nicolò Rusca is also a figment of my imagination, although some historians suggest the presence of a Swiss Gioiero in the College of Milan. The death caused by poison has been documented, but you do not know the person or persons who have given.

The Mesolcina and Calanca seen by a historian and writer. What misses the old days and what would change, instead of every day life?
I am neither historian nor a writer and do not regret anything from the past (the youth that no longer exists, that yes). On the territory that I knew in my youth the forest, the forest, are reclaiming the fallow fields, meadows, pastures, farms nuclei; villages in the memory of the past, the kind of life characterized by the labors of women, migration of males is a faint memory of a few. Maybe to better appreciate what you have in this century some 'memory of the past would not hurt.

In some passages you have used slang expressions. What future do you see for the dialect of the lower Mesolcina?
In the first story I've also used the dialect. I suggested it to the writer Laura Pariani of "The Voice of the country" and "The lady of the hogs." I used it because it seemed the most appropriate language in the mouths of farmers, mountaineers of the time. The dialect used now seems a bit 'a fad destined to succumb to the global world all'incalzare. The dialect was so the language of the mother, the feelings, the timetable dictated by the Church, but it was mainly the language of work inextricably linked to the territory, the work of peasants and mountaineers, lumberjacks, activities in the manner described by the stories that no longer exist.

To promote and protect the local culture is very important the role played by publishers. In light of this experience as the author of a book, how does the publishing scene in the Italian-speaking Switzerland? That is, especially for young authors mesolcinesi, there are, from his point of view, real opportunities to write, publish, promote and distribute books?
I can not comment on the role of publishers in the Italian-speaking Switzerland, I do not know. I had read stories to my four friends, who advised me to propose to a publisher, I did it and the first publishing house requested me posted them.

Last question: a good reason for proposing the reading of his stories.
Some people liked it! You can also try to read them.
[ by Carlo Silvano ]

George Tognola , "Miserere mei - Pages of life and mesolcinese calanchina between witchcraft, religion, politics and emigration 1500-1700," published by Editions of Olive in Balerna series "stray", pp. 123, CHF 25, Euro 17.
Professor. Tognola has also written a small book (dedicated to the municipality in which he lives for over thirty years), entitled "Moments in the history of Bedano" (2003), is currently preparing a historical path of the village of Red calanchino. For more info visit enclosing a review of the book signed by Cesare Santi.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Much Does The Bmx Sideha

Germany and Scandinavia, the Italian Catholic Mission

need new priests for the Italians living in Germany and the Scandinavian peninsula. To launch the appeal is Don Pio Visentin, editor of the newspaper "Il Corriere in Italy" ( ) and time missionary in Germany. A Don Visentin we asked some questions to better understand the role played by the Italian Catholic Missions in Germany.
At present how many priests are needed to meet the needs of Italian Catholic Missions in Germany and Scandinavia?
Currently we are in trouble for five Italian communities in Germany and one in Sweden. In particular, the community of Frankfurt, calls for the presence of at least two priests, being in reality of two communities in the city and nearby.
Our priests follow the Italian communities only in the spiritual aspect or are also engaged in social and cultural?
Mind you, it has always been prevalent a commitment to a spiritual, even in the '60s and '70s, the time of the first emigration. Even then, especially if the mission was a bit 'all: a meeting place for Italians, Office for Civil paperwork, reference to social problems. If then, however, the missionary was a "handyman" valuable and necessary because of the inadequacy of service of Public Service Unions and, now more careful to ensure a free and spiritual guidance and support communities in a journey of faith.
The new generation of Italians who live and work in Germany, are interested in activities of the Catholic Missions?
It may seem strange, but for many young people is in fact more "attractive" the community of Italian and German. A significant finding: children who have made their First Communion with the German parish, they will end a few years double to make the preparation for Confirmation with the Mission. L 'integration' - a term I suspect, but we use it to be clear - is not defined in the local language. Or, if you will, the time to linguistic, are not the same as the cultural one. And èproprio this finding, we ourselves have done in retrospect, to justify and make it even necessary to our pastoral action today, even in the presence of the third generation of Italians.
According to her, in addition to the Catholic faith, what are the glue that held together the Italians living abroad?
The Italian, who is a complex of traditions, sensitivity, pride of being different, or rather, what we are. No other religious festival in the city of Stuttgart leads many people to take to the streets than they Italians living with the Passion on Good Friday!
What future do you see for the Catholic Missions in Germany and Scandinavia?
our experience of migration leads us to caution in making predictions. It 's true, priests are lacking. The phenomenon affects the whole laChiesa, especially in these northern European countries. Yet, faced with this situation, it does not say a church retreat, we see the emergence, and in our own Italian communities in Germany and Scandinavia, an adult and responsible Christian laity in proclaiming the Christian news. I do not exclude that they can "survive" a long time, as are portions of the living Church, not wishing to lose their identity, but to do with the Church, a Church that wants to be more "catholic". [ by Carla Silva ]
We recommend reading the article at:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Do I Have To Have My W2 To File My Fafsa?

Living in France to rediscover Italian

native of Cortona, in the province Arezzo, the ' ing. Andrea Di Muzio moved to France about 9 years ago. His story - and that of the family that created just over the border with Italy - is very similar to that of many young Italians who, after graduation, seeking a better life abroad. "At the moment - says Andrea - work in a company that produces computer products. My Family like my wife still live in Italy and Italy have left some of our dearest affections. The ties are close, not so much with the community as a whole, as with some people and some traditions. Thankfully be migrants today is very different than fifty years ago: the distances are much shorter and the technology comes in handy to keep in daily contact with family and friends. In addition, I chose to live in a handful of miles from the border: Italy as well - though not one of my origins - is less than an hour's drive.

Andrea, can you tell me about your choice to live and work in France?
We - myself and my partner - started as an adventure that was supposed to last a year or so. Before you even finish my university studies I received an offer to work in France, and in half a day we decided to try to see what it was like to live abroad. Never would have thought that this would then be transformed into a final state.

And today?
today confirmed that choice every day, for several reasons: to live abroad puts us in a particular position twice, in France we are "the Italians", in Italy we are "the French" ... may seem childish but it's always nice to feel "special" allows you to experience both cultures to assess aspects of both of them much more objectively and with greater knowledge of the facts, ultimately, Italy is experiencing a very happy and differences with France will sharpen every day and the quality of life on the infrastructure.

In terms of business ...
The comparison with our country can not even be done: in my profession Italy offers little chance for growth and gratification. I'm also lucky to work in a multi-cultural group that allows me every day to learn new things from the point of professional and personal terms.

speak of "integration". What does it mean for you?
do not think I can give a real definition. I could use the technique of stream of thought to try to make you understand: study, fatigue, adaptation, discovery, satisfaction, diversity ... I will stop here because it is likely to result in the incomprehensible. Trying to sum up, integration is what makes a foreigner living part of a company is a time consuming process - I think infinity - which takes you back baby, had to relearn how to walk, how to talk, how to behave. In my case, "integration" mainly want to say to learn a new language, learn new traditions, new laws and new institutions: a continuous discovery that allows you and forces every day to learn something new. But in the end the cultural base of my two worlds is not so different. Not everything, however, is always stimulating and positive in many moments "integration" is feeling a stranger in your house, feeling "different" in bad sense, as discriminated against. But I must for any immigrant to exert maximum effort to achieve a good level of integration, as civil and moral obligation of every inhabitant of a community to help a stranger in this path as a teacher helps a student in distress.

As an Italian living abroad, what are your considerations on the political and cultural debate in Italy is built around the problems of illegal immigrants?
I think are so bleak as inevitable. Italy is experiencing in recent years that France has lived around the fifties of last century. And in my opinion, neither the politicians nor the people are prepared, just as France was not at the time. Being here also allows an immigrant to have a preferential view of the phenomenon, understanding both the reasons for some of the other. It 'important to welcome those who come to bring wealth to our country - both as workers and as a culture - but at the same time we must ensure, and pretend, integration, especially for what concerns the rule of law and morals. From what I can see every time I return to Italy, our country has become a de facto multi-ethnic society, this aspect I see it as a value, a potential, and not as a threat, provided that the state - understood as institutions and people - able to provide the basis for transforming this potential into actual value.

Living in France there is a value or a characteristic of your being Italian you have "discovered"?
Lots. I have never felt so strong in me pride in my nationality as now. The culture, food, the ability to adapt and always take the most of every situation.

In the city where you live so you have to attend other Italians?
Yes I do not know if this is a case and some mysterious link, but I found myself making friends with many Italians living in my own area. Probably because we share this condition of immigrants, or perhaps because they are the traditions and customs that make it easier to dialogue, but not in a ghetto: I often share dinner tables with friends when they speak different languages \u200b\u200b3-4 , and change the language according to the person with whom we interact.

Your favorite Italian writer?
It 's a very difficult question, and I'm sure that once a the answer I will regret wanting to replace countless times with many different names. But the impulse leads me to say Luigi Pirandello: I am in perfect accord with his vision of man and society, and I think that few have managed to describe as clearly the processes that govern the way we interact with men. But I would be matched by another name, though many turn up their nose, that of Fabrizio De André ...

Although his lyrics were intended to be music, I consider him one of the best poets of the last century. [ by Carlo Silvano ]
Engineer. Andrea Di Muzio by the following website:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cat Allergies Symptoms How Long Last

Meeting Villorba

Tuesday, April 28, at 15:00,
at the premises of the Public Library of Villorba,
there was the presentation of the book:


The event was promoted by the Trevisani nel Mondo
(section Villorba) and the Association Auser (section Villorba).

After the greeting
Castelnuovo di Matilde (President Auser - Villorba)
and John Borsato (President Trevisani nel Mondo - Villorba)
was attended by the editor of the book, Carla Silva, and Don Canuto
Toso (founder of Trevisani World).

Among the audience was this journalist Antonio Figo (La Tribuna di Treviso)
a journalist and broadcaster's TV EDEN.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Best Drugstore Foundation Non Comedogenic

Association Trevisani nel Mondo
(section Villorba)
Association Auser
(section Villorba)

have promoted a cultural meeting

for Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at 15:00

at the headquarters of the Public Library of
Villorba being Centa 90

Canuto TOSO
present the book
"Memories in migrants "

( volume of the series "Questions of identity" )

to tell the story of the founding and growth of the Association
Trevisani nel Mondo

Speakers :

Matilde Castelnuovo
President Auser - Villorba

John Borsato
President Trevisani nel Mondo - Villorba

Carlo Silvano

editor of the editorial series "Questions of identity" of the GM editor

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Print Plans For Halfpipe

Don Guido Santalucia presents "Memory of reality glimpsed"

Camposampiero On 2 April, in the province of Padua, Don Guido Santalucia has presented the book "Memory of the glimpsed reality" (GM editor 2008). I propose, here followed, is a quick guide signed by Marisa Restello.

If the title already suggests a dynamic interaction between what has already been and what the horizon soon as you see, Father Guido Santalucia, a young priest nearly ninety, in speaking of the book adds another: between the generation before the Council and the next. The headmaster had
Armando FISCON recalling that the series "Questions of identity " which the book belongs, is proposed to investigate the reality of our time making it stand out from the protagonists in the richness of its variables, thanks to the method developed by its curator, Carla Silva.
Strong interest has aroused Don Santalucia embedding the five interviews that make up the book in the history of that society and the Church have lived in the time of the Council and its initial implementation and uncertain (the period in which we still find it).

The depth of the changes door by pressing on the static nature of the Church and civil institutions posed causing vigorous debate and resistance to painful stress. In the understanding of education, for example, in determining the place responsibility and trust in the formation of the younger generation, including young priests. Well, in the understanding of Bishop Santalucia, the dialogue that develops between the personal experiences of these priests of different generation, is a further development of human history, social and religious period.
I recently read an interesting study on how to read and change the reader that the text read. This mutual maturation was very true in the presentation of the small book concerned, because we have received nearly renovated and re-integrated and experiential evangelical passion of the speaker.

Since Vatican Council II was born a desire to be priests in a new way, we capture unexpressed needs and expectations first. There were in the area of \u200b\u200bCastelfranco Veneto (Treviso), as in the whole province, moreover, strong situations of injustice that were painfully but resignedly accepted in both agricultural and industrial society. The new excitement and new knowledge calls into question this liability, the contact with the gospel awakens an intense yearning for more justice. This leads to tensions and conflicts, but is walking and the Church (at least one major part of it) does not hold back or be placed above, but is uncertain which side would you put Jesus and decisively in that direction, the break even cost of old alliances.

The debate following the presentation further develops this theme. Many of the objectives of the Council are still a dream, but we are not willing to give up our dreams, someone assured. On the other hand, said another, one senses a hint of pain in the interviews because of the difficulty with which new experiences are welcomed by the institutions, and yet just this awareness manifests in the persistence of the way the seed of prophecy. Something that draws from a distance but kept his part of the mystery and difficulty, and explains, perhaps, to the extent that you go and you walk together.
There were almost no young people present at the meeting, but expectations, hopes, energies that have emerged, those who were so full of fresh enthusiasm, sincerity and dedication for a better and just world is possible!

[ Marisa Restello ]

Thursday, April 9, 2009

South Park Walt Disney

meetings with readers / PRESENTATIONS

presentation of "THE QUEEN OF THE UNITED STATES" Place: Liceo scientifico LUNARDI of Brescia - Aula Magna Address: Via Riccobelli, 47 Brescia Saturday, January 24, 2009 - 11:00 am - 13:00 presentation of "THE QUEEN OF THE UNITED STATES" Location: NIRVANA - Piacenza Address: Piazza Casilino, 6 - Fiorenzuola D'Arda-Piacenza Thursday, January 22, 2009 - at 18:30 to 20:30 presentation of "THE QUEEN OF THE UNITED STATES" Location: "Tea and literature" at "The Club101's Tea & Literature" Planned for 28 Feb. h.16, 00 Brescia / Inglese language only /

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Strong Antibiotics For Toncilitis

Preti compared

Thursday, April 2, 2009 - 18:00

at the parish hall of the church of San Marco Evangelista

Riviera in San Marco in 22

will host the presentation of the book


in dialogue with Don Claudio improved
Vallotto Don Julian, Don Silvio Favrin, Umberto Miglioranza
Don Fernando and Don Pavanello

by Rev. Bolzon and Marisa Olivo Restello

prof. Armando FISCON
( publisher )

Don Guido Santalucia
( priest of the Diocese of Treviso )

will present Don Olivo Bolzon and Marisa Restello

... is a book containing interviews with five priests
operating in communion with the Church
in a situation that can be called "secular". Lay not in the sense or anti-clerical political
of the word, but in the sociological sense of a life immersed
in everyday life, a life that married people
with particular attention to the weakest.

Friday, January 30, 2009

What Does A Gray Wolf Symbolize

A day of remembrance in memory for emigrants


Istria and the Dalmatian
told by those who lived it on their skin

The first time I read something Istria was when, as a teenager, I had in my hands "The fifth season of Fulvio Tomizza: a book that gave me a lot and, unfortunately, has not been reprinted but - I am convinced - should be offered as reading, particularly the boys of the early years of secondary schools. Then, for a paper to be developed more in the fifth, I met a group of exiles from Istria and Dalmatia as well as to give me a copy of the Treaty of Osimo, I spoke extensively of their conditions of men and women brutally expelled from their region and their exodus .
In 2000 was published the book "The Exodus - The tragedy denied the Italians from Istria, Dalmatia, and Venezia Giulia", by Petacco Arrigo, who returns to the drama and the death of thousands of Italians who are victims of "ethnic cleansing" desired by the then Yugoslav communist regime. Our compatriots killed by militants and dumped in sinkholes Tito (1945-1946) are still buried in history books because they branded as "fascists" when, in fact, their only crime was to be in a land border. What Petacco said in his book is the result of extensive research in archives, and reading the extensive memoirs and journalism that tells the story of Julian. Stories and dramas, though, that was limited mostly in the Istrian exiles, Julian and Dalmatian: a large part of Italian society tends to ignore even for the obscurantism practiced until a few years ago, executives of what was the Italian Communist Party. So there is a chapter in our national history to be rewritten, also shed light on other deaths, for example, the partisans were killed in the massacre of Porzus on 7 February 1945 when a group of Italian Communists killed other partisans, their fellow countrymen because "white" and guilty of wanting to defend the territorial integrity of their country by the expansionist ambitions of Tito.
The Italians were forced to leave their country of origin, and what they owned in terms of houses and farms, were about three hundred thousand, and were about a thousand people, including women and children, those infoibate. But what is a "foiba? Regina Cimmino, who has experienced the hard way what it means to be an exile Istrian wrote:
" are natural openings nell'aspro Karst, covered with little vegetation, traps are true with the opening of the funnel upside down, deep and often, quest'Istria so stingy with water, a river bottom .
The Cimmino continues
" How many were thrown in? Women children, friends, enemies, civilians, soldiers did not serve a political coloring, especially being Italian enough. It was not just a leap of faith, having suffered the worst torture, were tied together with barbed wire, the first shot that would have carried weight with his mates still live in what would be the their tomb, on which no one would ever cry. Dying for fractures, wounds, bleeding, hunger: better to die now. Yet one managed to escape, wrists two bracelets of blood, which is in the heart and mind? .
Reflecting on these recent excerpts from the book of Mrs. Regina Cimmino, I structured the interview follows. [...]
Taken from the book "A Memory for migrants ", edited by Charles Silvano, GM editor 2007, pp. 96, € 10. In Treviso, the volume distribution is followed by TREDIECI Distribution, via Fratelli Rosselli 19 / 5 to 31050 Villorba (Treviso) tel. 0422 440031, fax 963 835 0422.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ceiling Fan With Disco Ball

Below "glue" the introduction to the first volume of the series "Questions of identity".

Charles Silvano

The migration have always been in the spotlight and reflection of the scholars for their many facets, relating to social, economic and geographical changes. To suffer the negative consequences are mainly rural and mountainous communities, which are also profoundly marked the collective memory and identity. On the one hand, in fact, migration generates a further impoverishment of the starting areas, which are deprived of the potential workforce aged mainly between 20 and 35, on the other, however, they bring new life to community, although some economic prosperity, need for new human resources.

Although the idea that commonly occurs Emigrant is that of a single person, it has only a "cardboard suitcase and can not provide that the strength of their arms, we should not underestimate the great potential of values \u200b\u200band lifestyles which it bears, which can enrich society willing to accept, provided, however, that the immigrant has the same knowledge of their identity and memory of personal history and community of origin. This is what emerges from the interviews included in this volume, which aims to provide a "memory" migrants of the two communities, taken as a symbol of the Italian Geographical. If it is true that the entire Italian Peninsula has experienced the phenomenon of migration, we still wanted to emphasize here is that concerned the community of Treviso and Santa Ninfa Sicily, through two interviews, issued by Don Canuto Toso, a priest of the Diocese of Treviso, and by Mgr. Antonio Riboldi. The first, which takes care of migrants Treviso since the Sixties, to reflect on the meaning of the word "integration", that does not mean "assimilation" or "approval", but, having as coordinates the preservation of their identity and openness the innovations arising from different lifestyles from their own, resulting in the desire to fit into the fabric of society willing to welcome new people.

The real "integration" is therefore that of a person who, conscious of their cultural and religious identity, they strive to assimilate all the rules of civil life and politics of the host country without, however, become as "other." In this context, the concept of "identity" takes on new meaning, those residing in anthropological and ethical foundations inherent in any single area of \u200b\u200bour planet, a strong identity will not dissolve in the process of integration that the individual faces when you put in a social fabric than their own, rather it enhances, but adopt the rules of civil coexistence. In this perspective, then, the 'identity' is not something static, fixed in thought patterns anachronistic, but it is a maturation process that evolves over time and that, in light of its current cultural, linguistic and religious drawing on the news feeds that the company offers friendly, so that even the "memory" is not simple nostalgia for the times and places past, but rather a make present what is the individual that their community of origin. From the interview with Don Canuto Toso also shows how, if Treviso many around the world it was possible to preserve certain values, it is mainly due to sense of family that they have preserved, and here I am reminded of "Along the way," a book by Anna Gnesa, writer of the last century original Brione Verzasca (Canton Ticino), which, referring to the families of their valley, so wrote:

" At that time, many infants died. Parish records are full of deaths of children. Even wives died young girls bled on the sack of leaves, put them in the difficult world. Sometimes death in the cold waiting room, waiting like the fox that the sheep has spawned to take away the lamb. But strong family of ten, twelve or more children with her mother for anything undone by repeated motherhood, were not rare, and formed the strength of the villages where poverty is not the dispersed emigration "(1).

lines are reminiscent of the sociological analysis of the scholar Ulderico Bernardi, an expert in the company of Treviso, or books of writer Gian Domenico Mazzocato, which in their own land, the province of Treviso, has set the novels have anointed as the defender of the Venetians defeated, those who have known the Venetian cholera and pellagra, economic misery and illiteracy. Lines are, however, that even well suited to a community - just like the Venetian - which has never been discouraged in the face of adversity in life and family drew the strength to fight so that we could build a better future.

And it is for the family that Italian immigrants from the Alps to Sicily, they were willing to do anything. Here, for example, what in his diary Don Olivo Bolzon, with a long history of worker-priest in the countries of emigration, writes:

"[a] Sicilian told me that like many others, he sees his family a month to month ' year ago a child and then back to work. This is certainly not the Christian family and yet his whole existence is for the family will work until 1975, the year of retirement, will go on forever like this, then come back. If this is human life! He does so with no regrets why not see anything better, without conscience, because it is fatalistic resignation '(2).

By Msgr. Riboldi, then, he has done his ministry as pastor in Santa Ninfa, for about eighteen years, we have been able to know the reality of Sicilian immigrants in this country, who left their homeland for Switzerland and Germany, or to go overseas, in North America and in Venezuela. When Msgr. Riboldi recalls that in the face of certain unjustified discrimination suffered by our emigrants were all by them, accepted, because it was "just like offense" and because the immigrants preserved the memory of their country, their church and their People were elsewhere, and there, they, living spiritually is to think of a passage from the Book of Gnesa, where the writer, while referring to other situations such as natural beauty and economic poverty of his home valley, seems to put on the lips and soul of these emigrants, the following sentences:

" I do not think that I very enchanted before the windows of the jewelers of the Bahnhofstrasse. Diamond: Yes, they are beautiful. But I, for my country, I have something better. Among the tufts of hair round of sheep's fescue, the drops of dew drops are a vibrant shine, love the sun, offered under the sun. Emeralds: yes, they are beautiful. But to my country, among rocks Granite is a living water, green sea-green turquoise, full of shivers and shadows and light, and quenches '(3).

In two subsequent interviews (to Caesar and Queen Sts Cimmino) becomes instead the memory, even if in broad terms, the two communities, although part of the Italian Geographical, are placed on the political border between Italy and between Switzerland and Italy and the former Yugoslavia: it is the Moesano, which includes the Val and Val Calanca Mesolcina Italian in Graubünden, and the Italian community in Istria, where, at the end of the last world war, facing the ethnic massacre perpetrated by Tito's militia, many Italians were forced to flee. It was thus not merely a migration driven by economic reasons, but an exodus that has resulted in the fragmentation of a community rich in values \u200b\u200band today, scattered in various regions of Italy, is struggling to maintain its own identity.

"About sixty years after the tragic events of the exodus of Istria and Dalmatia, it must be considered - said bitterly Mrs. Regina Cimmino - that Italian society is not yet aware of what really happened. What is known, it is because those who had relatives, and to think about marriage between people of the Littoral and South and other regions, or to "Giuliani villages", built strictly in the suburbs in forty-seven Italian cities for work. The writer Arpino, for example, was born in Pula, because his father was a military Tito Stagno was in Pula, Raimondo Vianello also, and many others, but apparently no one has ever spoken. Only recently the singer Gino Paoli reported that his mother's family was exterminated in the ravines. " That Italian society is not aware of what happened, then, is unfortunately true, but it is also true that for some 'years of talk about it more, and not only in the family: after the collapse of communist regimes, resulting relief ideological weight that has always borne the Exodus, up to the establishment of the "Memorial Day" has ceased to regard each other as a regional rather than national.

the interesting essay that the young anthropologist Michael Nussio dedicated to Puschlav, a small narrow valley between Italy and Switzerland, between the Latin and Germanic, then emerges as the identity of a community, just as that of Puschlav, be heard and valued "being connected to a particular culture, which is considered different from those which it borders. In reality, it is imbued with elements and can not be pure. " The reality seems to me to demonstrate how even the Swiss community profoundly different from one another in terms of language and culture, are But can - if conscious of their identity and mindful of its past - to give life to statehood can guarantee peaceful coexistence among its citizens.

The volume concludes with an essay by Domenico Airomir examining certain aspects of Islamic immigration: all reality, as Western societies, where it is in place any form of "mixed", are called upon to face a ' high percentage of immigrants from countries where they live values \u200b\u200bsometimes deeply at odds with those of the Old Continent. How to support the magistrate Airomir this regard, the state institutions should always be able to balance the needs integration of immigrants and the need to protect the identity of the host country characteristics. Airomir writes: "Not seeing, so to speak, all'assetto conflicts that concern the rights of people, but to the same institutional conditions, the social and political foundations of the consortium. This is because immigrants, especially the Islamic faith, have brought and bring with them a worldview that, also in the wake of the spread of fundamentalist Islamic schools is in radical contrast to the West .... " These words may seem Airomir "strong" when talking about immigrants in danger in a country like ours, which has had a long and painful history of emigration, using weights and sizes. There is a risk, particularly to exploit our emigrants abroad beyond any objective assessment, and to criminalize even entire ethnic groups established between us because of the heinous crimes committed by individuals. In reality, the concerns expressed by Airomir arise from the need to protect its citizens before the law is equal for all, that does not happen again what happened in Germany, where a woman judge, referring to the context of identity-religious Muslim couple, rejected the request for divorce from his wife, who suffered mistreatment by the husband.

migrants, therefore, does not seek nor to renounce their religion or to their own customs and traditions such as, for example, in terms of food and clothing, but for a peaceful coexistence is necessary that those who leave their homeland to settle in another are then prepared to observe the laws and regulations. ____________


1 A. Gnese, "Along the way," Dadò publisher, Locarno 2002, p. 71.

2 Diary of Don Olivo Bolzon will soon be published in this series of books.

3 A. Gnese, op. cit., p. 91.