Tuesday, July 15, 2008

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Presentation of the Diary at the Palace of the Province of Treviso

E 'was very good reception that the public has given to Don Olivo Bolzon called to present his book entitled "Diary . A priest from the diocese of Treviso recounts his experience working as a scavenger in the city of Cologne in 1964 .

The event - held last February 15 at the Palazzo della Provincia di Treviso - was sponsored and organized by the Province in collaboration with the Associazione Trevisani nel Mondo, Triveneta Union in the World, Associate Editor the Veneto and the online newspaper "Veneti in the World."

The opening work is the provincial councilor spoke to the family and emigration, Barbara Trentham, who showed appreciation for not only the literary style of the author, but also "for the style personality, for her love and quest for novelty, for its new deal with paths and roads as that of \u0026lt;\u0026lt;preti operai>>, with the desire to go beyond the conventional pattern, habit, the routine and mundane everyday life. " The commissioner Trentin then continued as follows: "I like to see in \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Diario>> As Don Olivo notes on the theme of family as seen through the eyes of the emigrants, as families remember, you are disconnected from families, families are often torn apart as, for example, that of the girl who expressed a deep hatred towards his mother because his father had allowed him to go away in search of work. " The \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Diario>> Don Olivo Bolzon is - concluded the commissioner Trentin - a "good witness, a voice that sounds high, because of its concreteness, its going to the core problem, by its absence rhetoric, and is also encouragement is being extended to the cultural effort to learn more and more the characteristics of the heroic era of our emigration .

the presentation of the book by Don Olivo Bolzon was also the Provincial Councillor for Culture, Favero Marzio, who read and commented on numerous passages in the book. The fifties and sixties of the twentieth century were an extraordinary period with profound changes in economic and social in those years - and in the light of Vatican II - there were priests who wanted to live in close contact with people and, in particular, with the workers, and they have done so - even in Italy - his priestly ministry as \u0026lt;\u0026lt;preti operai>>. The first piece of \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Diario>>, which can be read quickly and pleasantly, the Councillor Favero was chosen precisely what opens it. Here is the text: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;I was in Rome for the week dell'Onarmo (Opera national religious and moral assistance to workers). He said many beautiful things, but we say we always among us, like the natural division between us, the priests and the people, as it were certain that we are the subject and the other a mere object to be treated. There is talk of dialogue remains locked in a continuous monologue, the Theories, the reality is of little>> (p. 27). "I think - said Councillor Favero - that emerges from the very first lines clear need to understand how to relate the Gospel message to the concrete community that calls itself Christian but that is not always so, in the sense that the first and the first thing to evangelize is not far from us but, perhaps, the first who must be evangelized we ourselves. " The commissioner Favero then continued reading with the following passage: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;... the Church is too concerned about the organization and therefore suppressed in elan vital, enclosed in a strong bureaucracy that makes it very close to communism. In the words of M. (A English friend, Ed) by taking the cardinals of the Curia and brought to Moscow and taking the political commissars and bringing them to the Vatican, nothing changes>> (p. 30). "These lines - continued Councillor Favero - give the idea of \u200b\u200ba Church too folded in on itself, on its own logic, it ends up having a difficult time to be close to those who should be the recipients of Gospel message. "

After the commissioner has acted Don Favero Canuto Toso (Associazione Trevisani nel Mondo) who emphasized that the presentation of the book Don Olivo Bolzon offers its association an opportunity to reflect on the presence of Treviso in Germany. Don Toso has also touched on some of the tracks \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Diario>> to think, then, the experience of \u0026lt;\u0026lt;preti operai>>. "Rereading \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Diario>> - said Don Toso - what I was most impressed, are the moments of prayer and spiritual reflection and theological Don Olivo was in the meantime, during breaks and after work. With this brief but intense work experience, Don Olivo has rediscovered his priesthood for men and the value the celebration of the Eucharist in his life and that of the world . Don Canuto Toso has also explained the " of lay Christians in the context in which they live and work in what has long needed a witness, tolerant, generous equal and constant, done at their level and felt by them. And 'necessary - said Don Toso - enhance the role of lay Christians in this world that desperately needs to be evangelized. The value of the laity and its indispensability, and some are intangible: the laity, in fact, is able to penetrate into life, to integrate the experience of the worker-priest, and therefore indispensable to make adequate and effective dialogue between the Church and the world . Don Toso said that the experience of a street in Cologne, will give way to Don Olivo Bolzon for him to discover that lay people officially involved in organizations such as the ACLI, unfortunately do not live a missionary life, but a closed circle, with assets just recreation and welfare.

Other speakers at the presentation of the book was Idolino Bertacco (formerly secretary of the Italian artisan ice cream makers operating in Germany) has offered to present an interesting report on the presence of Treviso in Germany, like many who were "enrolled of force under the Austro-Hungarian Empire to fight in Aschaffenburg, which is located about thirty miles east of Frankfurt, the Prussians in July of 1866. " In that battle became the Treviso and had honor, thanksgiving, serial numbers on individual cards as follows: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;congedato as italiano>>.
" Between 1938 and 1943 - Bertacco said - find in Germany a considerable amount of Treviso, when Brand went from about 4100 settlers . Unfortunately, many were also Treviso in that country have lost their lives. " In a small village south of Potsdam - recalled Bertacco - I was struck by a metal plate which commemorates the killing of 127 Italian workers that occurred April 23, 1945. Among them were also of the Veneto. They were buried in Berlin-Zehlendorf and the recovery of remains took place due to religious Scalabrinians Venetians who were there to assist our fellow citizens .

After the intervention of Bertacco spoke Carla Silva, editor of the series "Questions of identity" of hosting the GM editor \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Diario>> Don Olivo Bolzon. "With the series \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Questioni of identity>> - said Silvano - means an emphasis on migration and on cultural and social communities that have experienced the phenomenon of emigration. When last spring I was able to read the original manuscript of this \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Diario>> written about 43 years ago, was strong in me the desire to publish it because it is a clear testimony of certain priests know how to stand alongside the weakest in our society, or migrants. Don Olivo was not afraid to play the game facing a reality, the world's workers, particularly difficult and demanding and in many ways unknown to those been educated and trained in the reassuring walls of a seminary. Although briefly - said Silvano - Don Olivo has nevertheless experienced the hard way what it means to live in a foreign country, away from the family, wearing the uniform of the working class and do a job alienating hard and monotonous. "

The event closed with the testimony of Don Bolzon Olivo, who thanked the speakers, especially the commissioner, and Don Favero Toso, for the considerations offered to the public about its \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Diario>>. Reading this book has brought Don Olivo Bolzon above all to reflect on the meaning of word 'integration': a word that does not mean assimilation or approval, but, having as coordinates the preservation of their identity and openness to new ways of life different from their own, resulting in the will of the individual to fit into the fabric of company willing to accept new people as long as you respect the rules and laws.

Bolzon Olivo, "Journal. A priest from the diocese of Treviso recounts his experience working as a scavenger in the city of Cologne in 1964, GM editore2007, pp. 80. € 8.00, ISBN 978-88-95500-01-0, the series "Questions of identity," centrostudipaoli@libero.it .
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