Sunday, July 13, 2008

Berger Colour Chart Nature's Whites,

Brief History of Don Silvio Trevisani nel Mondo

The book "A Memory for immigrants", is part of the series "Questions of identity " and offers several interviews as Don Canuto Toso (which traces the history of the Association Trevisani nel Mondo by himself founded), and Mgr. Riboldi Antonio, Bishop Emeritus of Acerra, who spoke of his long human experience and priestly gained close to immigrants - native of Santa Ninfa in Belize - have settled in countries like Germany, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Venezuela.

The volume also contains an interview with Swiss historian Cesare Santi speaking of migration that have invested in the past centuries and the valleys of Mesolcina Calanca (canton of Grisons, Switzerland Italian), while a ' Interview with Regina Cimmino, Istrian refugees, talks about the exodus of Italians who had to leave Istria and Dalmatia to escape the massacres committed by the militiamen of Titus.

Volume closes with two essays: the first, the young Swiss anthropologist Michael Nussio focuses on the peculiarities of cultural and linguistic Puschlav, ethnically Italian but including in Switzerland, while in the second essay, signed by the magistrate Domenico Airomir, we examine some Islamic immigration issues deeply at odds with the values \u200b\u200bof the Old Continent.

Data Volume:
Curator: Silvano
Carlo Title: A Memory for migrants
Subtitle: In dialogue with Toso Canuto, Antonio Riboldi, Cesare Santi, Queen Cimmino, Michael Nussio, Domenico Airomir
Publisher : GM 2007, ISBN 978-88-95500-00-3, € 10.00, pp. 96. Necklace "Questions of identity " with the moral support of the cultural "Nice Italian .

in Treviso province and the volume distribution is entrusted to Tredieci based in Villorba, via Fratelli Rosselli 19 / 5, tel. 0422 440031 - fax 0422 963835)

To request a copy contact address

Photo: Don Canuto Silvano Toso, Carlo


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