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Puschlav: an alpine valley in the world

Here Following a public part of an essay dedicated to the anthropologist Michael Nussio Puschlav (Graubünden Italian) and inserted into the volume "Memories in the emigrants' (see previous posts). Even the photos only M. Nussio.

The Puschlav has not always been part of the Switzerland. In Roman times it belonged Regio XI, after the Carolingian period passed first to the Bishop of Como and then to the Visconti of Milan. After several attempts, the bishop of Chur [1] managed to remove it from the Duchy of Milan. In 1408 the valley became part of the League Caddell: from that day his future was mainly linked to the history and then the Swiss Grisons [2] . The Puschlav therefore only belongs geographically and culturally to the Valtellina. Starting from the two World Wars, with the loss of importance of agriculture, has become increasingly economically oriented towards the German-speaking Switzerland [3] . It is a district composed two municipalities and Brusio Poschiavo, inhabited by 4592 residents [4] . Jobs limited [5] , due to the geographical position [6] , forcing young people to leave the valley to seek his fortune primarily in the Engadine, but also in Chur and Zurich or elsewhere in Switzerland. At the age of fifteen years [7] , the guys who choose to study must abandon their homes to gather in high schools that are closer in the German part of the canton. The same goes for those who want to learn a profession and can not find employment in the valley. Emigrate mean leave their family, their culture, their country, their own language. Getting in German is thus to meet other culture, a city or town and then a different lifestyle, to communicate in a language different from their own. The valposchiavini are still accustomed to leave their homes [8] . Leaving the valley and open to new cultures, new languages \u200b\u200band therefore, it is therefore almost mandatory.

difficult to define the identity valposchiavina: the valley is located between Italy, then another nation, and the German and Romansh. Above all, the German-speaking part of Switzerland is defined as something completely another, different, part of Romansh is spoken very little is felt, however, much closer to cultural issues and certainly also of solidarity among minorities.
identity is often linked to language: the valposchiavini do not feel, however, the Italians in the political sense, feel Italian as Italian culture. In Switzerland, however, there are many cultures, many different communities, so difficult to define what valposchiavini, outside valposchiavini. Also difficult to describe the task of the Swiss identity, composed of Swiss German, French, Italian and Romansh, and a variety of subcultures: just think of the differences between one canton to another, the various religions, the differences between the Romansh idioms, conflict between north and south and between east and west, the suburbs and the city, mountain and plain. Political conflicts, means, connected to a language and a different culture that conceal a difference in power. Most [9] feels valposchiavina then, later than the Swiss German Swiss Italian, but not from Ticino, the Italian culture, but not Italian, Swiss and Grisons in the sense of respect for minorities, Switzerland, for Swiss values . The identity level Puschlav, however, now goes, goes beyond political boundaries, many feel it is also part of Valtellina. Log does not mean orient themselves, they identify more with the Italian culture, but are not oriented towards Italy. Come into play economic and political factors. The valley is oriented generally north, because that is where are the big malls and then the well-paid jobs. The north is therefore the employer. Italy, however, is another country, it has other laws, other institutions. The membership of a particular nation, however, makes it difficult to feel part of another. The laws, the national culture, are elements through which individuals identify themselves, at least in part, in a nation. There is a sense of belonging to the canton of Grisons, Switzerland but always in terms of minority [10] . The multicultural and multilingual Swiss Grisons and identify cause this especially in a small, bounded, almost isolated. I therefore feel particularly valposchiavini valposchiavini. There is also another reason why the identity is layered, from local to global. This phenomenon can be attributed to having a federal system of Switzerland, where each canton has a lot of autonomy. Therefore difficult to identify in a corner near where the laws are often different. Awareness also belong to a minority within the minority [11] further reinforces the sense of identity valposchiavina. There is also a sense of belonging to the Italian-speaking Switzerland, with the majority, however, fails to identify in the Ticino, which are seen as different. This fact is due to the remoteness of the two cantons. There are also other factors, especially political order. Canton Ticino is another, then their autonomy and their many laws, it differs so much from that to which the valposchiavini as Graubünden, are used to. The canton of Ticino, in addition, its political and economic force greater than that of the valleys grigionitaliane, it felt like a majority. It follows therefore the feeling of inferiority, mainly due to little involvement of the four valleys in the decisions taken within the Italian-speaking Switzerland. The identity grigioneitaliana, as already stated, is apparently perceived only when it feels threatened.

I valposchiavini identify themselves as such in opposition to others, considered as different speakers with different languages \u200b\u200bor cultures other [12] . The differences perceived as critical for creating a boundary between "us" and "others" but are often enhanced or, as stated Fabietti [13] , can also be invented. Valposchiavina culture is a culture that has suffered and continuous external influences: from the south, then from Italy, and from the north, Switzerland Romansh and German. Many traditions, many uses, are in fact from outside. The identity must be continually reaffirmed and elaborated on the basis of changes imposed from outside or inside. There is therefore a continuing "process of production of identity" [14] result of a trading group. Identity is indeed changing over time and space. The linguistic situation
[15] of Puschlav is analyzed only in the context of multilingual and multicultural Swiss which is a party. The language, being part of the culture of a group, is the mirror of it. The sense of belonging to a particular place and the language related to it are perceived as untouched by non-natives, although in reality the culture and dialect contains many features of the German language and culture, Italian and Romansch [16] . The valposchiavini in front of all the threats to local culture, and facing an increasing homogenization of cultures [17] , enhance and protect their [18] . The linguistic situation and then describe the one hand in terms of identification in their native language, a language tied to a particular space, for a given culture; need to know in other languages \u200b\u200band other cultures in order to survive, and to learn a language of bread [19] . The mother tongue of the valley is, officially, the Italian [20] . It does not reflect the most commonly used language, which is not a language but a language, then considered the language of feelings and spontaneous language: dialect Poschiavino [21] . The Italian is therefore only used in the official events, in schools, in writing and only a small part in oral form, and is defined in these terms can not call the language dialect. Especially in the dialects of the town of Poschiavo you can find several German words or Romansh, a phenomenon due to its proximity to the speakers of these languages \u200b\u200band regions caused by the fact that many valposchiavini working in these areas. The dialect, one of the elements through which they identify the inhabitants of the valley, seen as something specific, for one, and thus a language is not pure and crosses into those used by the neighbors. It is the familiar language, the language of feelings, the language in which it is believed, is considered its own language, the language in which you identify yourself, where you find the roots. Many say that it is an idiom to safeguard, protect, because it represents the identity valposchiavina. In fact, the language reflects the culture of a particular group, is the mirror of their ideologies, their own worldview. The dialect is a language valposchiavino simple, reminiscent of a rural past, rural, but has been adapted to the current culture of the valley, a world driven by a peasant class in the minority and a middle class that works mainly in the secondary and tertiary and therefore included within the terms of the language Italian, German and English. The pus'ciavin, in fact, does not know certain specific terms and technicians. These are then searched in other languages \u200b\u200band inserted at will in the speeches. But the opposite also occurs: often in the speeches in Italian, not finding a term for payment, are borrowed from dialect expressions or idioms. The dialect is therefore the means by which many inhabitants of the valley can be recognized in a specific identity, that valposchiavina, which is not Italian, not German and even Swiss Romansh. Many consider it their mother tongue, using the Italian words such as "foreign language". The Italian, at times, is therefore seen as a different language, the "good language", the language of the Italians. In most families, in fact, dialects are spoken. Through the language of the parents send their children to the local culture. It is seen as a hallmark of its own identity and the disappearance of the dialect would probably felt as a loss of their origins. The desire to defend at all costs their own language, is a way to differentiate themselves from others, considered to be different, who have another culture and another language. The Poschiavino is not only a feature out: those who speak a particular dialect, it shows its own specific identity, their villages of origin and religion. The language in which it expresses itself becomes a means of recognition. Until a few years ago there was a big difference, especially in Poschiavo, even between the language used by Protestants and that used by Catholics. Especially in the past, moreover, the Poschiavino also had a supplementary function: who did not speak the dialect was not in fact part of the group, as it was considered different. Currently, the growing number of mixed marriages with people from Valtellina, especially in the town of Brusio, we talk more and more Italian. Compared to the past then you use less dialect. Probably in the dialect survives Puschlav [22] for its proximity to other cultures to the north and south for a political border. There exists a strong need, at the group level, to differentiate themselves from others, and the dialect seems to have this task. The function and the survival of this language are then explained by the fact that the population of the valley want to maintain their identity and want to differentiate both by the Italian south, spoken by millions of individuals, by German and Romansh in the north. The Puschlav is also a fairly secluded valley with a single outlet to the south and a pass to the north. The dialect thus lives in a clearly defined and quite separate.
Italian is the written language is learned in school and with whom you usually communicate very rarely, even though officially, as already stated, is the mother tongue of valposchiavini. He speaks this language with those unfamiliar with the dialect, and with people who speak Italian at home, or with those coming from outside. It is also used in the official events. It is therefore an important language, intellectual, formal, technique. It is difficult to draw a clear line between Italian and dialect. Generally, however, no question of an oral language, informal, emotional, as regards the dialect, and an official language and written Italian.
The Swiss multilingualism and multiculturalism related to it involve a necessity, especially for minorities, linguistic comprehension. The valposchiavini are forced to learn the language and culture of nearby, German, defined as the language of bread, the idiom is required because of economic dependence on this region. In the valley of the minority must also submit to the decisions taken by the majority of the German language. You are then to create linguistic hierarchies in an environment that should be trilingual and therefore egalitarian. To meet the needs dictated by politics and economics, the school as a place of preparation for professional life, especially, must adapt by introducing, in anticipation, strengthening those languages \u200b\u200bthat used the most. In addition to the national languages \u200b\u200bvalposchiavini are required then to learn the English language, international language of great importance, and then having to give up the knowledge of French, whose learning, schools, the Grisons, has become optional. Many see this language as a threat to national cohesion, others such as access to the globalized world. The use of Italian and a local dialect as the dialect Poschiavina, and learning the language and the nearby national language, German, switching to an international language, leaving another major Swiss language, French, and subsequently passed almost directly from the local overall.


[1] present capital of the canton of Grisons.

[2] L. Boschini, "Traces of history and architecture of Valposchiavo", ed. Pro Grigioni Italian, Poschiavo 2005, p. X-XI.

[3] O. Lard, S. Semadeni, "Das Puschlav, Poschiavo Valley", ed. Verlag Paul Haupt Bern, Bern 1994, p. 117.

[4] The inhabitants of Puschlav residing in two municipalities: to Poschiavo (3393 inhabitants) and in Brusio (1199 inhabitants). The data presented here in October 2006.

[5] In the Valley the majority of the population works in the secondary and tertiary sectors, few in the primary.

[6] The valley is located, as already stated, nestled between the mountains.

[7] In the canton of Grisons children start attending school at seven and ends at fifteen.

[8] valposchiavini I first emigrated at the turn of 700, at Bergamo, Brescia and Venice as longshoremen, cobblers, sweepers and Acquavitai. Later, in late 700 to early 900, the valley was again the scene of heavy emigration. Above all, the Protestants went to Spain and France, but also to other countries such as Poland and Russia, to open the pastry shops that also served coffee. Catholics, however, went in Australia to work as a woodcutter. Many valposchiavini also emigrated to England and Austria.

[9] It means the majority of those interviewed during the field work and the participants of the forum on the identity of the site The field work was done by me in 2006 through participant observation and administration of numerous interviews, semi-free.

[10] In Switzerland, because of the four language, the language is not, as in most countries, the means by which all citizens identify themselves in their own country. In front in four languages \u200b\u200band a multicultural country, the tendency is therefore to identify the local and not global. Many feel the Swiss because they love the values \u200b\u200bon which it is built, Switzerland: equality then, on the proper functioning of the state, in general welfare, solidarity, protection of nature and so on. Many are identified in Switzerland, even and especially as they consider a country that respects minorities. The means by which one identifies is therefore not a language, a culture, a religion, but the law that respects the different languages, religions and cultures of the country. The Swiss identity is multicultural and multilingual because of the high number of foreigners residents in the country. In interviews conducted during the field work will always return the definition of Switzerland as a Willensnation, a nation governed by the will of being together. There are so many identities in Switzerland: it is difficult to speak of a single identity, although some define the Swiss identity as the sum of all the cultures it contains.

[11] The Puschlav is in fact part of the Grisons and Italian and Italian-speaking Switzerland, but also within the latter is in a subordinate position.

[12] difficult to define culture valposchiavina because, like any culture, it is not pure. You might say, for example, which is linked to the territory, and then to a mountain, a Catholic and Protestant, to the Italian language and local dialect. But this would never be sufficient to define this culture that is constantly being influenced from outside. List what makes it different from the way the border is equally difficult. You could probably say that is different from the Valtellina because the neighbors are predominantly Catholic, or because they were part of a kingdom. Engadine respect one could say that the Protestant majority would be something that is not common.

[13] U. Fabietti, "Ethnic identity. History and critique of a concept misunderstanding ", Carocci Editore, Rome 2005 (1995).

[14] ibid., p. 21.

[15] Most of the inhabitants of Puschlav speaks the local dialect, knows little or Italian. Many can speak and write German well enough, knows some French and English.

[16] The list of the external elements that have entered the culture valposchiavina are endless. A culture can not be defined but never pure. As stated Amselle, there are in fact the continuous collage of collages earlier. J.-L. Amselle, "Connections", ed. Boringhieri Bollati, Torino 2001, p. 8.

[17] J.-L. Amselle, op. cit., pp. 7-10.

[18] In addition to the aforementioned Pro Graubündner Italian Cultural Association, there are also means of which the cross valposchiavini can feel part of one community. This is the case, for instance, in Pus'ciavin Bulgarian Association of valposchiavini migrants, and their magazine, to Fagot, the two newspapers rooms, one paper, the Italian Grisons, and the other on-line Bernina, or of the cultural magazine of the PGI, Notebooks grigionitaliani, or the Almanac of the Italian Grisons.

[19] This term means the language of subsistence, in this case German.

[20] The spread of Italian in the valley occurred during the years of Reformation and Counter Reformation. In the sixteenth century, in fact, the Puschlav, like other valleys grigionitaliane, was a place of religious and secular literate who fled Italy for religious reasons. The exiles adopted the Italian language come lingua franca influendo così sulla lingua dei valposchiavini che, frequentandoli e seguendo le loro predicazioni, ebbero modo di apprenderla. La lettura personale dei testi sacri consigliata dalla religione protestante portò a un avvicinamento ulteriore degli abitanti della valle alla lingua italiana, i quali leggevano i testi italiani portati dai religiosi. L. BOSCHINI, “Tracce di storia e di architettura della Valposchiavo”, ed. Pro Grigioni Italiano, Poschiavo 2005, p. 7.

[21] Il pus’ciavin è una variante del dialetto valtellinese, quindi del meneghino.

[22] In Val Poschiavo, rispetto close to the Valtellina, it's still a lot of dialect. In the latter, in fact, fewer young people speak it and it's hard to hear them speak in dialect. According to many, seems to be regarded as a language of peasants from the poor and therefore do not speak a language, a source of shame. Since the sixties, in fact, the economic prosperity brought about a change of register: do not speak the dialect was, in a sense, to prove they do not belong to the lower class. This phenomenon struck, for example, the canton of Ticino and in part also Puschlav, but very mild form.

1. Image Puschlav (photo by Michael Nussio )


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