Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dentitex Toothbrush Heads


CFMODICA: Cinquerrui, Savarino, Gagliano (59 ° Pitino), Cicero Santalena, Arena, Morillo, Found, Cigna, Sessa Cerrato (79 ° Cicero) Faith (87 ° Brancati); Facilities: Fratantonio; Coach: May Tiziana.

CFACESE: Sciacca, Naples (79 ° Musumeci), De Pasquale (84 ° Giunta), Scardaci, Castorina (87 ° Distefano), Gambino (1 Todaro), Fish, Capponi, Caccamo (46 ° Amato) Pecorino Meli, Present; Facilities: Judge, Tosto; Manager: Valerio Caniglia.

NETWORKS: Caccamo 5 th, 6 th Caccamo, Present 22 °, 28 ° Fish, Fish 37 °, 39 ° Todaro, 50 is present, 75 is present, 80 ° Present

Booked: Cerrato, Pecorino Meli.

Six minutes to attend to the practice CFModica, a team that has some very good individual (an example Federica Cerrato), but absolutely devoid of any semblance of a game. No wonder, then, the ranking despite, as I said, good footballers.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Can You Mix Larazapam With Benadrly

Wappen or the bear standing internal and external ..

Appenzell Inner

Appenzell Outer

Today I will speak to one of my favorite wappen, the canton of Appenzell, whose emblem is Always bear but this time with the little thing up and in plain sight. In reality they are two separate cantons, the inner and outer worlds. Why not be together I do not know but I would say that their arms have several things in common, primarily the bell'orsetto standing growls?! Well a bit 'mad seems at least ... The Appenzell was
the first residence of her husband when he moved to Switzerland, I can only imagine how it was living in one of the most remote areas of Switzerland. Where in winter white for most of the time, the people are nice but only with someone who knows and speaks very little. To get this figure (for those who did not understand German, the little man in yellow is German and wants to steal the recipe for their two Appenzell cheese, the two obviously do not speak!)

Note sull'Appenzello internal curious women here began voting in 1990, at the cantonal level.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ap Bio Ward's Lab 8 Report

Wappen Appenzell Basel, Basel Bâle

And today one speaks of Basel, Basel Bâle in French and in German. Swiss cities all have names translated in three languages \u200b\u200b(rather in the three main national languages \u200b\u200bas the fourth is rotoromancio).
The emblem of the figure represents the wappen city of Basel, Basel distinct from the country or rather the Land (the same but with red and curl pointing to the right). Also, thanks to the legendary B. I discovered that a half canton Basel is, what does it mean? Simply because of its size (it is the smallest of the Swiss) sends one representative to the Council of States. Their parliament is called Grosser Rat, in my dialect, the .. Pavia .. sound like big rat but I do not think they intended this;)
Back to wappen that is what I'm writing now for the first time I saw it I thought of that cute little curl .. have a curly coat of arms ..
Wrong! The emblem of Basel and the pastoral staff, staff that we see now in the hands of the bishops in general. Here is a picture of what it's like a shepherd's staff, there is a bit like I should say ...
Why a religious symbol? The city was ruled for centuries by the Prince Bishops, which is why you chose this symbol.
The city's history is very interesting, popes, anti-popes, philosophers, letters .. all made a trip to Basel in the Middle Ages and of their passage, the city has preserved the memory in the buildings, streets and museums.

Whats The Strongest Underwear

Wappen .. or the arms in Switzerland: Bern and the Swiss

I was asked to elaborate on the topic "animals and the like in the Swiss coat of arms", I searched the internet and then in the library but nothing so today I took advantage of the legendary B., a teacher of German at Berne 100%.
We immediately started talking about the bear of Bern .. so I put below the emblem 'analyze it together.

This above is the revised version, ie without the male organ because the bears are here only males to federal law;)

This however is not correct here .. with the red little thing in plain sight!

Then the name comes from the German name of Bern bear that fact and bars, the story goes that the Duke Monocolao II (with a name so I would not have founded anything!) Founded the city on the banks of the River Aare and that he would call as the first animal he had just seen a bear ..! That is, if you think I know who had entered a turkey or a pig .. okay .. they are legends, I hope!
actually much more likely to bear the tradition in Bern linked to a cult of bears revered as protectors of the population, a bit 'like bullfighting in Crete.
I will stop here, next time we talk about the coat of arms of Basel!

Monday, February 21, 2011

2 Year Old Has Swollen Toe


I know some will wonder Segantini but is not an Italian name? Then it Ticino?! No, no it is Italian with a capital penalty in this case because this year we celebrate 150 years of our unity. ( Above one of my favorites!)

will not get bored with the biography of John Segantini, a painter who lived between the late 800 and early 900 of Lombardy, St.Moritz (or canton Graubunden Grigioni in Italian) and Savognin. Painter graduated from the Brera and lover of the mountains of the Grisons as few. For everything else there wiki as usual!
I've always loved the mountains, my favorite for sentimental reasons are those of the mountain range which includes the Monte Rosa in the Aosta Valley, the mountains drew as a child were always white, or green, depending on the season, with trees Evergreen, which made the mountains a dark green and deep and so 'rents to do to get the light to the undergrowth.
Then I discovered the Dolomites, beautiful, gray, massive, but in my imagination has been drawing as a child and the mountains are green or white, or are not there.
Also for this reason I really love the Swiss mountains as she loved him and still more I admire his drawings and panels, so alive that makes you want to go and live under the image.
in his honor was organized an exhibition in Basel, Beyler Foundation, which collects his works and sketches.
The exhibition to be on Sunday morning was incredibly full, you can see its not the only one to appreciate the genre.
strange to hear talk more French than German, the Swiss, French and foreigners are very fond of most of the Swiss German museums or simply have more free time and money to spend?!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where Does The Gm Wire To Honeywell Thermostat


CF Aces: Sciacca, Naples, De Pasquale (66 ° Sinanska) Scardaci, Castorina (87 ° Musumeci), Gambino, Fish, Capponi, Caccamo, Pecorino Meli, Present. Facilities: Di Stefano, Todaro, Amato, Judge Executive. Manager: Valerio Caniglia.

REAL PETILIA: Catanzaro, De Simone, Genova, Orlando, Bonomo, Anzalone (54 ° Cigna), Time, Riggio, Buggea, Guardino, Risina (80 ° Dauria). Facilities: The Grasso, Farruggio. Coach: Domenico Caramanna.

Yellow Cards: Pecorino Meli, Gambino.

NETWORKS: Caccamo, Caccamo, Naples.

game the girls faced with unusual listlessness dell'Acese perhaps bewildered by the constant cry of Mr. Caramanna who managed to induce a headache in the stadium (in a series more than they would have sent away after five minutes .... .)
Real Petilia confirmed that it had some good quality girls like Julia and Serena Risina Guardino and other rapidly growing Angela Riggio, along with some media experience as athletes and the Buggea term.
Clearly they are not yet equipped to deal with a formation of other experience and technical ability. In fact, although strangely listless and thought to the next cup match with Messina are marked twice with Patty Caccamo and one with Graziana Napoli that went forward at a corner.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pine Wood Derby Dimple

Regions here are called cantons .. nooo! Lake Zurich Lake Zurich

Wandering through London a few w ago, I had come across this kind of teaching, greasy pole?! I do not know what to call it as he was crossing some roads near Leicester Square in London. The view of this item I had not a little surprised because I wondered: what do the signs of the 26 cantons in central London? Swiss banks publicize, chocolate, a battle important? Answers to these questions I have not, someone in London has decided to pay to make a sign to represent the Swiss (I guess the have paid the Swiss consulate!) And its cantons.
I must admit I have a passion for the insignia of the cantons, the signs remind me of the football teams that I collected with my cousin small. Better to say that he painstakingly collected much more than me, always been more manic
;-) As the insignia of the football teams are mostly animals, many bears, a mountain goat (I think at least!), With a bull nose ring ( mythical canton Uri), some curl left or right, so many colors and the ubiquitous Swiss cross. I am convinced that many of the symbols that represent a meaning that now escapes the same population. Type: for the Canton of Bern has a bear walking and other cantons have the bear standing up? Or Schaffausen canton has a kind of ibex slightly angry, at least I've always felt a bit 'so ...
Maybe living here yet few years I'll learn something more otherwise I will here no choice but to redo the primary, hoping that these things taught in school!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Symptoms Hodgkin's Relapse

Entella ERICE - CF ACES 00-10 (suspended to 13 °, 2 ° T)

Entella ERIC: Trapani Flaminia, Emily Licata, Concetta Di Giovanni, Sabrina Poma, Tosto, Francesca, Catherine Riggio, Cera Alessia, Gaetano Bonanno, Alessandro Curatolo, Marino Cinzia Marino Erika.

CFACESE: Agata Sciacca, Pasquale De Simone, Chiara Giulia Castorina, Federica Scardaci, Musumeci Marcella, Justin Distefano Vanessa Todaro Elena, Emanuela Capponi, Present Rita Fabiola, Pecorino Meli Lorenzo, Patricia Caccamo.

NETWORKS: 3 ° Pecorino Meli Meli Pecorino 4 th, 7 th Pecorino Meli Meli Pecorino 11 °, 19 ° Castorina, 24 is present, Castorina 29 °, 30 ° Castorina, Caccamo 31 °, 49 ° De Pasquale

The match was suspended on the 13th for the second time because the Entellus Erice was found with injuries to a number of footballers insufficient to continue the game. To 46 ° for the Acesce Scardaci came out for a grievance the flexor.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Can You Buy Razor Blades

ACES - ORLANDO 97: 0 - CF 2

Aces: Sciacca, Giunta, Castorina, Militello, State, Distefano, Amato, Sinanska, Todaro, Scardaci present. Facilities: Judge Cavallaro. Coach: Silvia City

ORLANDI '97: Vitale, Zito, Allum, Spinella, Abraham, Salupo, Fabio (63 Evans), Lazzara, Pensabene, May, Trassari (45 Sixth). Facilities: Pintaudi, Zingales, Zodda, Nani, Stancampiano.

say that this year our "Spring" was closely followed by bad luck is an understatement. Clearly lost a game because it addressed influenced by Sciacca, State stretching back, Distefano influenced Amato with sprained ankle and knee resentment, Todaro influenced Scardaci adductor contracture.
infirmary rather than a team! Spoken Word, and other even in bed with a fever! Tell me if this is not bad luck!
How interesting notation: In the Sardinian group there was a game that will be skipped and retrieved February 27. 99% will pass the winning of Orissa but communication can not be completed before that date.
The winner will meet the winner of Sicily, Sardinia. We should give some explanation why it was upset the timetable for us to play the game Wednesday after playing with the 9 Orlando 6!
did not know that our girls had been committed on 29 and 30, by Representative, 31 with the recovery Pro 6, Catania and then the batch of C (not applicable) in Orlando?
Because the league is our priority, we'll take a well earned rest!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Replace Shocks On A Jeep Liberty


I love the lakes and live near a lake, what luck!
Today I had to go to Rapperswil, right at the bottom of Lake Zurich, Lake Zurich.
A bit 'of geography: Lake Zurich is 40 km long, at a little over half the lake is the city of Rapperswil that does not belong to the canton of St. Gallen canton Zurich but.
The day was fantastic, there was not a cloud in the sky just blue. To believe it just look at the photos.
seemed to spring, temperatures were higher than average and all were out enjoying the sunshine. Obviously, many pensioners and mothers with children but also many fathers who work part-time.
Rapperswil is a beautiful town along the lake when the sun is a must for tourists, as well as the castle perched on a hill and just below that has a beautiful rose garden and an area where deer are housed .
Lucky them have lake view and a nice warm barn. Even though I
I enjoyed the view, directly from the lake since doing one day to go to Rapperswil, you can use the ship over to the train.
tree Rapperswill
entrance to the castle of Rapperswil

church Rapperswill

castle of Rapperswil

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Small One Seater Airplane

Salons in Switzerland?

When you change the country you always think about how you will live in a country where you do not know the language well and even less habits, but when you think about the habits the country that we leave behind his hair literally put them there. Because where the hell we're going to cut it to us or where we are going to do all those operations type female depilation, manicure, etc.. we did in our country without spending the wrath of god and above all without having to climb on mirrors to make us understand?!

Since I live in Switzerland more often went home to have my hair cut, only that grow at the speed of light every two months and I can not get in line at the Gotthard tunnel, only to go to M, my favorite hairdresser. As love him is not always available for the weekend.
What to do? I go to the hairdresser Swiss! Ok at first it was a shock, I wanted the bangs but did not know how to say in German, I look in the dictionary, I confirm German friend and then make an appointment. Do not go here without an appointment even to the bathroom and usually free if you book more after a week, I have not yet figured out how many appointments a day take, the store always seems empty ..
As usual, the word is different from the fringe in Swiss German and when I told her what I wanted looked at me strangely, as if I had asked to calculate the square root of 245. Then, using gestures, as only the Italians know how to do, I did understand what I wanted, praying like I never did not have to go out with a bag on his head for shame cut.
Conversations barbers here are hilarious, I always ask info about life in Switzerland and she replies that he does not know, boh .. obviously she is Croatian. Ditto with the beauty of Serbia.
So are all born here but there is not one that has a Swiss parent, however, speak in bursts in Switzerland and I make an effort to understand them, try to wriggling on written German but I can not say two words in German and back to Switzerland. If efforts by the inhuman memory of me to remember a few words in all Swiss are nicer to me. Actually there are always kind in beauty salons / hairdressers, just by asking me if I want something to drink, bring me magazines (gossip Swiss do not even know their official VIP!) short, they put me at ease. Of course then when I have the account I shall always bleach them but with three little words and a nice glass of water to retrieve my ..!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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London: minifuga with Swissair

andarmi At Christmas I really wanted to do some trip in a beautiful place but my intentions were shattered on family traditions, all together to celebrate. In practice fry go somewhere and when the sister E. London asked me not have made me say it twice and I immediately booked a flight.

I must say that flying to London from Zurich is comfortable, in addition to the Swissair company also operates a low easyjet flights as it has time to Switzerland. At 6 o'clock in the morning even if I live not far from the airport I could not just leave, ditto from London where we bring you good 40 minutes by subway to go to the airport, obviously when you go from Heathrow because with the others I want to even think, I imagine much more.
The idea was to relax, see a few museums, a friend who lives in London and around and spend some 'time together as we do not see very often. Every time I go to see her and she comes to visit me but not you and I alone, there are always half of commitments, husband, friends, parents etc.
It was nice, we chatted, walked a lot (this time I more of her, what strange!) and also the fact that shopping in London is always good because there are fantastic shops. I went back to the V & A Museum that I've always liked, apart from the building itself is beautiful, the composition of the various exhibitions are always interesting. For her it was the first time is greatly appreciated.
London Eye to discover how great London is an entirely different impression from seeing her, sin is not cheaply for around 30 minutes of poor. Go softly, almost seems to stop it from below.
We were lucky with the weather, drew a strong wind but it was cold and this has prevented it rained. London
I liked, I went back there for some time and guide the hand we found that districts did not know, the complicity of the hotel right on the Piccadilly line which has facilitated the move, we were not very far from Kensington Garden and the museum area of \u200b\u200bscience and technology (my favorite in London).
I was also glad that I reviewed a couple of friends who kindly took us out to dinner in London to see a car making London by night that we would not have seen for themselves.
The Shining City "has a charm all its own. Then there was the Sunday feast for Chinese New Year in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Chinese Quarter and the city was full of foreigners and Chinese who celebrated with little dragons of cardboard and music in the square in front of Nelson, Nelson hope to have liked the show Chinese dances.
I would stay there again because of things to see and do there were many, but at least I had the pleasure to return to Zurich in a sunny and hot all imbaccucata I went from freezing cold and now I come to find that you no longer need hat and even gloves. Hurrah!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kate From Katesplayground Last Name

ACES - ORLANDO '97 6-0

CFACESE: Sciacca, Naples, Castorina, Musumeci (46 ° Scardaci), State (82 ° Distefano), Gambino, Fish, Capponi, De Psquale (63 ° Sinanska), Pecorino Meli, Present. Facilities: Spoken, Todaro, Giunta. Coach: Valentina Caniglia

ORLANDI '97: Vitale, Stancampiano, Sixth, Spinella, Abraham, Salupo, Fabio, Lazzara, Pintaudi (59 ° Raffaele), Nani, Trassari (86 ° Pensabene). At our disposal: May. Coach: -------

NETWORKS: 4th Pecorino Meli, 49th Fish, 71 is present, 80 is present, 87 is present, 91 ° Fish

Beautiful but useless for the ranking game . Orlandi, as noted, is in the Regional Championship Series standings out C to allow time for young players to play matches to grow in competitions.
will start the "real" will be played next Wednesday for the Spring Championship. Wednesday

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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CHAMELEON FOOTBALL: May, Sapienza, Riello, Barbagiovanni, Zammit, Palermo, Leanza, Edwards, Nicotra, Rapisarda, Marfa. Facilities: Old Coach: Giuseppe Scuto

FOOTBALL FEMM. Aces: Sciacca, Giunta, Castorina, Speech, State, Distefano, Amato, Sinanska (59 ° Cavallaro), Todaro (37 ° Judge), Scardaci (31 ° Militello), Present. Coach: Silvia City.

NETWORKS: Sinanska 3 °, 5 ° Present, 10th Canton, Canton 15 °, 18 ° Present, Sinanska 57 °, 75 ° Sapienza

SCORERS: 8 networks have, Canton 4 goals, 3 Sinanska networks, two networks and Scardaci Militello, a network Todaro, Castorina, Spoken Word.

penultimate day (would be the last without rain, 27 January) played with a good team with great individuality, but without harmony.