Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pine Wood Derby Dimple

Regions here are called cantons .. nooo! Lake Zurich Lake Zurich

Wandering through London a few w ago, I had come across this kind of teaching, greasy pole?! I do not know what to call it as he was crossing some roads near Leicester Square in London. The view of this item I had not a little surprised because I wondered: what do the signs of the 26 cantons in central London? Swiss banks publicize, chocolate, a battle important? Answers to these questions I have not, someone in London has decided to pay to make a sign to represent the Swiss (I guess the have paid the Swiss consulate!) And its cantons.
I must admit I have a passion for the insignia of the cantons, the signs remind me of the football teams that I collected with my cousin small. Better to say that he painstakingly collected much more than me, always been more manic
;-) As the insignia of the football teams are mostly animals, many bears, a mountain goat (I think at least!), With a bull nose ring ( mythical canton Uri), some curl left or right, so many colors and the ubiquitous Swiss cross. I am convinced that many of the symbols that represent a meaning that now escapes the same population. Type: for the Canton of Bern has a bear walking and other cantons have the bear standing up? Or Schaffausen canton has a kind of ibex slightly angry, at least I've always felt a bit 'so ...
Maybe living here yet few years I'll learn something more otherwise I will here no choice but to redo the primary, hoping that these things taught in school!


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