Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ap Bio Ward's Lab 8 Report

Wappen Appenzell Basel, Basel Bâle

And today one speaks of Basel, Basel Bâle in French and in German. Swiss cities all have names translated in three languages \u200b\u200b(rather in the three main national languages \u200b\u200bas the fourth is rotoromancio).
The emblem of the figure represents the wappen city of Basel, Basel distinct from the country or rather the Land (the same but with red and curl pointing to the right). Also, thanks to the legendary B. I discovered that a half canton Basel is, what does it mean? Simply because of its size (it is the smallest of the Swiss) sends one representative to the Council of States. Their parliament is called Grosser Rat, in my dialect, the .. Pavia .. sound like big rat but I do not think they intended this;)
Back to wappen that is what I'm writing now for the first time I saw it I thought of that cute little curl .. have a curly coat of arms ..
Wrong! The emblem of Basel and the pastoral staff, staff that we see now in the hands of the bishops in general. Here is a picture of what it's like a shepherd's staff, there is a bit like I should say ...
Why a religious symbol? The city was ruled for centuries by the Prince Bishops, which is why you chose this symbol.
The city's history is very interesting, popes, anti-popes, philosophers, letters .. all made a trip to Basel in the Middle Ages and of their passage, the city has preserved the memory in the buildings, streets and museums.


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