Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Small One Seater Airplane

Salons in Switzerland?

When you change the country you always think about how you will live in a country where you do not know the language well and even less habits, but when you think about the habits the country that we leave behind his hair literally put them there. Because where the hell we're going to cut it to us or where we are going to do all those operations type female depilation, manicure, etc.. we did in our country without spending the wrath of god and above all without having to climb on mirrors to make us understand?!

Since I live in Switzerland more often went home to have my hair cut, only that grow at the speed of light every two months and I can not get in line at the Gotthard tunnel, only to go to M, my favorite hairdresser. As love him is not always available for the weekend.
What to do? I go to the hairdresser Swiss! Ok at first it was a shock, I wanted the bangs but did not know how to say in German, I look in the dictionary, I confirm German friend and then make an appointment. Do not go here without an appointment even to the bathroom and usually free if you book more after a week, I have not yet figured out how many appointments a day take, the store always seems empty ..
As usual, the word is different from the fringe in Swiss German and when I told her what I wanted looked at me strangely, as if I had asked to calculate the square root of 245. Then, using gestures, as only the Italians know how to do, I did understand what I wanted, praying like I never did not have to go out with a bag on his head for shame cut.
Conversations barbers here are hilarious, I always ask info about life in Switzerland and she replies that he does not know, boh .. obviously she is Croatian. Ditto with the beauty of Serbia.
So are all born here but there is not one that has a Swiss parent, however, speak in bursts in Switzerland and I make an effort to understand them, try to wriggling on written German but I can not say two words in German and back to Switzerland. If efforts by the inhuman memory of me to remember a few words in all Swiss are nicer to me. Actually there are always kind in beauty salons / hairdressers, just by asking me if I want something to drink, bring me magazines (gossip Swiss do not even know their official VIP!) short, they put me at ease. Of course then when I have the account I shall always bleach them but with three little words and a nice glass of water to retrieve my ..!


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