Thursday, March 17, 2011

Figure Skating Halloween Costumes

My country: Italy!

live abroad for the past 5 years, but few seem not. I noticed yesterday returning by train from Milan to Zurich talking to two women who were traveling with me, both comic with the same name and both live in Switzerland with her boyfriend. I reported back to the time when I spent all weekend on the trains and possible bridges between Italy and Switzerland to meet my then boyfriend (aka Lombard) lazy that he preferred that I join him in Switzerland, in fact it was also more convenient time since I shared a house with a sister and we had complete privacy.
Since then many things have changed, no trains, are always the Cisalpine equal and swaying gondolas always mad and I feel less strange every time I arrive in Zurich and Swiss German feel, or better say I feel more at home in Switzerland and Italy. Italy is my land, I love her, I know its flaws and appreciate its virtues: the climate, first of all, it's always hotter than in Switzerland as though these days it rained and it rained!
Just today we celebrate Italy, its unity under one flag, those beautiful green, white and red that make us sing the song very often only during sporting events. I remember, however, when children study the Renaissance and when the teachers of elementary and his companions went in front of the monument of our small country to sing the anthem, learned in weeks of preparation, not understanding at all the words we sang. We laughed at all ' helmet of Scipio, who was that Scipio anthem? Boh never understood! Despite this we pride ourselves in our white apron with pink ribbons for girls and blue for boys, for the occasion ironed and spotless white .. this week was colored smudge of ink, etc. chocolate stains. That day, no, we were all perfect, even now when I see a group of children on television with their flags ready to repeat the anthem I get emotional because there's all that .. we represent a people made up of many people with different ideas sometimes but a single and united people: Italian!

bloggiste thank all who have given me an award, but I appreciate very much prefer not to post and not return. Virtually gift the prize to all those I read and I read!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Isnt Bigfoot On Monster Jam ?


CFAcese: City, Naples, Castorina, Amato, De Pasquale (16 ° Sinanska), Gambino, Fish, Capponi, Caccamo, Pecorino Meli, Present. Facilities: Sciacca, Distefano, Todaro, Musumeci, Spoken Word, Scardaci. Manager: Valerio Caniglia.

AICS MESSINA: Ciarmoli, Armato, Cardile, Catalfamo, Brizzi, Jacob, Life, Magalie (from 75 ° Milazzo) Bonanno, Bertino (from 80 ° Alfa) Venuti. Coach: Domenico Abate .

Networks: 48 ° Fish, Vita 58 °, 75 ° Caccamo.

Booked: Bertino

What about the beautiful girls who have won promotion with three days in advance of the end of the season?
Thanks girls! With Silva
City, Agata Sciacca, Alessia Pugliese.
Thanks to Simona De Pasquale, Graziani Naples, Lory Pecorino Meli, roasted beans, Poppy Board, Jemil Sinaska, Marco Musumeci, Giulia Castorina, Vanessa Distefano, Selenia Ciaffaglione, Julia Mix ZappalĂ , Agata Tomaselli, Simona Cavallaro. Thanks to Federica
Scardaci, Andrew Amato, Veronica Gambino, Melinda Parlato, Emanuela Capponi, Mary Judge, Ciaffaglione Sabrina, Victor Martin, Miriam County
Thanks to Angie Fish, Patty Caccamo, Elena Todaro, Alice Militello, Fabiola Present, Thank
Valerio Caniglia
Thanks to Michael Di Mauro, Gregorio Nastasi, Ignazio Sciacca.
continue believing, to make history with a "perfect season"!
equal the record of the Miami Dolphins, the only team in the world to have ended the season with all wins!

Friday, March 11, 2011

How Do I Not Be Awkward Around The Guy I Like

Cows ... muuu

I never talked about the cows, the chocolate even tell the truth, but it is now understood that I go crazy. In particular I love that milk, milk the cows! (Ok agree there is goat milk, coconut, chocolate, ass etc. .. but I understand that you face with that of cow or not?)
For people like me who grew up with a mother who has lived until she married into a farm with farming (farm or for those who lived outside New York), the cow has always been my favorite animal, rather one of the first animals I've ever seen, apart from the mosquitoes (ah those are not insects) that are low in sell a kg in the summer season, of course, the mosquitoes would not call an animal that you miss indeed ..
Cows in my area, except in rare cases, the typical black and white Friesian (also called Dutch Friesian). Those big beautiful cows you see everywhere, in short, the cow par excellence. This photo here.

My uncle is an expert in the field and from a young age I enjoyed listening to his explanations on cows, that is so passionate in their honeymoon did not give the occasion to go and see the cows American (family legend?) and just may take part in beauty contests for cows (not a joke and there are very serious! ).
When I arrived in Switzerland I knew that I would have seen the other (more experienced uncle), here are brown and in fact much more active than those of the lower valley. Below is a copy in order to show in Switzerland.

Mind you, it is that cows do gymnastics Swiss and Italian no, let's just say the Frisian are put where they are comfortable .. .. Swiss cows move much more.
In Switzerland there are three breeds of cattle but the best known is the Brown Swiss (ie the Brown), what you see in all the cards on the Swiss and has a big face and a mica tonnage laugh.

Like Friesian milk is produced, the milk! Nearly 5 tons of milk a year, if it is a good year. Were selected for the Swiss because unlike other breeds are very strong, especially in the cold, rain in short, to weather in general. I challenge you are always out, never mind the cows of his uncle who took refuge in the barn when it rains.
Another feature of the cows are here cowbells. Nearly all the cows from pasture and they have one hell of a noise, among other things, the movement of the cow just creates a repetitive effect after 5 minutes of play or sleep or do pull silly. The size of the bell increases with the size of the animal and then sometimes you find cows with bells by Guinness World Records. I always ask but the torticollis is the cow in question?
continuing to put so I suppose not, but who knows maybe one day we will put together a mo 'syndicate and will be moving around with slogans such as: stop the bells, metteteveli you who are ridiculous and weigh as well!

The photo comes from this Swiss cow site ... for those who wish, in the vein of fun, buy a bell;)