Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Acostic Poem For Republicans


I know today is the feast of women, there are those who celebrate and those who do not. Here in Switzerland it is not heard or at least I do not see around mimosa, I presume because it's too cold here for the mimosas. Once I asked a colleague why there were mimosas around looked at me weird, did not understand what it was a mimosa. In fact, the mimosa (Acacia dealbata ) is a custom Italian, the rest of Europe do not use this flower to celebrate on March 8. As I have always made fun flower, is a beautiful bright yellow but it stinks as hell .. I know there will be someone who likes the smell (smell for me) to this plan but I just do not. Instead
much appreciate a flower that I found in New Zealand and could become a beautiful flower in my opinion for the Women's Day. He has an unpronounceable name .. Pohutukawa flower and is the symbol of Christmas in this country, eh there at Christmas it is hot and then flourished different plants including roses ....
Okay .. not yellow but red is a beautiful flower and puts as much fun, no?
Ah Good Women's Day to all!


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