Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Does Eating Before Cholesterol Test

: St.Gallen St. Gallen

Il finesettimana mi ha portato a visitare una ridente località termale in questo cantone: Bad Ragaz.
Analizziamo prima il wappen: sempre wiki ci racconta che il verde dello stemma richiama la libertà mentre il simbolo altro non è che il fascio littorio romanico che in questo caso sta a significare l'autorità giuridica. Il canton St.Gallen racchiude delle piccole perle, in particolare una delle regioni della svizzera che preferisco: Heidiland!! La regione di Heidi, dal paese dove si dice Joanna Spyri abbia preso ispirazione dell'orfanella for the character, well known to all, thanks to Japanese cartoons.
The landscape is beautiful and the spa of Bad Ragaz worth a visit. We do not come often Heidiland only if at the Gotthard tunnel we already know to find the queue and we aim to avoid the alternative route to the San Bernardino. The first time we went there I told myself that I had to return because the scenery around Lake Walen are magnificent.
This time we wanted to ski and relax, pity the weather was not the best so we opted for a nice walk around, Bad Ragaz is very touristy and has a beautiful park with an adjoining camp and summer must be a paradise, and a pond with different ducks. Among them was one of my favorites .. the Mandarin duck!
Here it is:

The spa of Bad Ragaz outside:
and inside:

The views in the distance snow
and some images of the Liechtenstein that it is attached to the canton of St. Gallen (pictured Balzers).

All photos are made by husband!


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