Monday, January 31, 2011

What Are The Lost Movie Numbers

The meetings that you do not expect

Beautiful Sunday. It was a Sunday of knowledge, Italians in general, prior to a brunch with a friend and then on the skating rink. Since I live abroad am always careful to approach strangers, not just here that it is dangerous to everyone mind their own business and it seems almost rude to get too close to the lives of others.
It is a shame because I just by chance and approaches Orthodox or not I have met some really nice people, train specialists, but also at the bar.
My husband looks at me a lot, you got to know a man of almost 80 years, New Zealand, the station of Milan, only he could do.
Yesterday it happened to me. We were skating at the outdoor track in Zurich, which I have already told in a post below, and once again like last time there was a man of a certain age who skated really well, spins, steps crossed in short, everything repertoire.
with her husband we had already stopped to observe it, it was so graceful and peaceful. The children passed by out of control and he did not bat an eyelid. Seemed skating in another dimension. We imagined that he was a retired teacher who enjoyed skating in the crowd. Taken out of curiosity we approached him and began to tell and explain some of the movements. Her husband has learned them better than me, after two or three explanations could go back. I, however, I stopped to chat a bit 'with him and it was nice. He told me when young, newly arrived from South Tyrol in Switzerland, went to skate with a group of friends, Germans and Swiss who worked with him and how good it was to skate and talk. He never learned to ski because of a knee problem but with the shoes you'll be right alone and with the help of books has improved his technique. It was funny to talk to this man of a certain age, Italian like me who grew up with another mother tongue, German. We talked a bit 'in German and a bit' in Italian. The Italian study it only to his time at school two hours a week so he has never practiced much. Despite this, his Italian was better than my German. He told his family that none of his daughters living in Switzerland and most of what the mind can not bring the grandchildren to skate at the time as he did with his daughters. It made me think back to how difficult it is for parents to see their children grow up and go away to seek their future.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Penguin Acrostic Poem

January 27, 2011 RAIN WINS THE PRO

ORLANDI '97: Vitale, Zito, Allum, Spinella, Abraham, Salupo, Fabio, Lazzara, Pensabene, May, Trassari. Facilities: Zingales, Sixth, Piantaudi, Evangelista, Nani, Stancampiano Pizzo.

CF Aces: Sciacca, Giunta, Castorina, Amato, State, Distefano, Todaro, Sinanska, Militello, Scardaci present. Facilities: Parlato, Judge, Cavallaro. Coach: Silvia City

The long-awaited match with Orlando is postponed until a later date for impracticability of the city. The ball does not bounce nor ran, therefore, impossible to play football. It might have been groped
with water polo or hockey maybe .... but we are not equipped for these sports!

We wonder why 'KEEP THE TEAM OF 2008-2009. The

maintain because it is one that has suffered a gross injustice.
an exceptional team that won its group and, by doing litter of NOIF has not been upgraded to a higher priority third, fifth and seventh place (certainly with the saints in heaven !!!!)
NOIF They say that I am the mother of all charters.
To me, the decor, the skin of the co .... if you need shots and a fold that covers you always find the

THERE SEEMS SUFFICIENT REASON? Let him at least honor!

What Are The Best Running Shoes For Narrow Feet

Peanuts and psychology

read "strips" Peanuts, as the Americans call them, I always put in a good mood. In a few lines of what is collected there is more true in human relationships.
The fact that children do not change things much, I often feel that dialogues between adults with perhaps the most sought after items (maybe even with so many bad words ..) but in the end the meaning is the same.
Take a typical conversation between men and women, like that of Schroeder, the little crazy pianist, and the legendary Lucy, filled with paranoia and slightly authoritarian
Schroeder plays the piano (as usual) and Lucy listen (hanging on the floor, as usual)
Lucy, and if you and I were married one day, Schroeder?
Lucy: and if we were so poor as to be forced to sell your plan to buy the pots?
Schroeder : pots?
Lucy: Sure, that do not want to eat without a good set of saucepans, right?
Schroeder : POTS?!
Lucy : girls need to think about these things .. the guys are lucky .. do not have to worry about things like pots ..
Schroeder (with hands on his face!) Can not stand it .. just can not stand it .. He continues to play
ignore ..
Lucy : hmm .. we need a station wagon, a sedan and a spider .. our house should be at millionaires .. pianists make money?
Schroeder: I do not know .. I guess it depends upon how you carry ..
Lucy: Yeah ..
Lucy: Well, probably I will need half a dozen fur, at least thirty ski suits and elegant dresses .. fifty piles of jewelry and exotic fragrances and a hundred pairs of shoes ..
we have an Olympic pool, heated, race horses, a tennis court and a huge Italian garden .. of course we will travel and cruises around the world this kind of thing .. .. e..
Schroeder has stopped playing ..
Lucy : continue to engage, baby!

I love them .. you do not?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What's Land Evaluation

News from the Swiss-German: Ivoire has puppies! Men and

The "small" dog of San Bernardo in the picture has made the company. He made 9 in one go! The puppy will grow in the coming months and should reach a weight of 50-70 kg of feathers .. really! Small puppies can be curious to visit the museum of San Bernardo in Bern.
I enclose the history of St. Bernard in Switzerland, taken from Wikipedia (this is all their fault ..)

The first dogs were donated to the canonical 's Hospice to the ; 1660, from noble families of Valais, to guard and protect itself from the hospice is not uncommon criminals (the news reported numerous incidents of robbery), but also for numerous other uses, transport of small loads (milk , cheese), the supply of power (a device to the mill, operated by the dogs, moved the enormous spit in the kitchen of the hospice). But the use that made them famous in the world was that of auxiliary canonical ( MARRONIER ) in tracing the trail in fresh snow, predict the fall of avalanches and find the missing passengers in bad weather.
Among them, the most Barry was famous I (1800-1814), which became the protagonist of saving at least 40 people. At his death, his body was embalmed and kept at the Natural History Museum of Berne , and since then the best male of each litter rearing hospice is called Barry. In addition, race, hitherto known as the Alpine Mastiff, as it began spreading chien barry.

Leather Made Scripture Tote

the art of accumulation

I called the post a bit 'generic but in reality I should write "husbands and know how to dress" , etc accumulate stuff.
have been married for 3 years and some months, my living with him for over 4 years but still can not make him disappear some sweaters from the cabinet. I understand that arise here
humanitarian organizations for the rights of freedom of the individual, but some would horror sweaters to women who work in these associations.
unlikely colors, well then you have a smurf blue sweater, like ice cream, bears fabric dating from the Paleolithic. Sometimes I wonder, but he chose them? Mom bought it to him and he does not want to separate with the blanket like Linus? Otherwise I can not explain why every time he threatened to make them disappear, jump on them because they must absolutely put by God with those jeans era of Elvis the Pelvis .. I will 'I give up because I realize that stem the mountain horrors is impossible.
Not that my wardrobe is free, some clothes I bought them in the throes of crisis, big beautiful .. taken from euphoria to find decent clothes in Swiss land. But I throw a remedy and a gift to the needy who do not look very aesthetic short .. do about it. He did not ever, resists and puts them in office.
I must say that maybe he has found the solution, only works in the firm where I saw people dressed worse than him .. sadness ..

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Change Region Settings For Sony Dvp-sr200p

1.a return CATANIA - ACES 0-13

PRO CATANIA: Galeano, ZappalĂ , Viscuso, Buzzurro, De Carlo, Garofalo, Pennisi, Falvo, D'Urso, Franceschino neckline. Facilities: Annino, calf. Coach:

Aces: Sciacca, Naples, De Pasquale, Musumeci (68 ° Judge), Sinanska (46 ° Todaro), Gambino, State (55 ° Speech) Scardaci, Castorina, Pecorino Meli, present (46 ° Fish. Facilities: Giunta, Amato, Coach: Valentina Caniglia

NETWORKS: Present 6 °, 10 ° Pecorino Meli, Canton 35 °, 37 ° Present , 40 is present, Canton 42 °, 49 ° Musumeci, Todaro 53 °, 56 ° Pecorino Meli, Todaro 59 °, 65 ° Musumeci, Fish 72 °, 80 ° Pecorino Meli

No comment.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

488 Trail Indy Engine

Schlittschuh laufen or ice skating. 2

Zurich, but a few degrees of temperature out of a bright sun that promises a pleasant afternoon. After a lazy morning in bed we decided to go out and face the cold and ice in recent days.
Well yes we are back below zero! We see it in a positive way, it's cold, there's lots of ice, the hills are covered with snow during winter .. then you can go ice skating.
Abstract: I learned to skate as a child, was the only winter sport that my parents, especially my father, with virtually no killing and wants with a minimum of skiing because he never did for him.
One of the most beautiful memories I have of my childhood is going to skate on the frozen lake to the village of Gressoney St.Jean with my sister and my father. I do not know what age we had, I think my sister was younger than 5 years and I just bigger. I've always been a bit scary and 'mammon but I loved the skate and, after learning the basics of how to balance on skates, chipped on the runway like a top and making me run after chasing his sister or the kids on track. Here
yesterday as an adult I found myself so many girls on the slopes, all wrapped up like me at the time: ski pants, mittens, hat right on the nose, runny nose .. in short, the whole repertoire. The only difference is the teddy bear helps roller-skate .. .. I call it. At the time I (we're talking early '80s) was not there, do not say if they saw the need to skate here but also the puppets under 4 years and is a help because the baby pushes a teddy bear, penguin. . .. there was also the gnome and does not fall. Another difference is the helmet, never done, I fell only to sit. Some sit at the time but I had the springs, I get up and go.
The husband has had some difficulty at first but after the first 5 minutes of adjustment did not want to leave.
The track is a beautiful area of \u200b\u200bZurich, right on the hill overlooking the lake, for those who know Zurich's side Utoquai. With
means it's also nice to get enough since arriving at the bus stop and take the Romerhof Dolbahn to the top and you find yourself in a grove. The trip with the funicular have it really worth it as it goes in one of the most beautiful of Zurich, surrounded by nature and full of wonderful houses of the early last century.
Here's some 'photos.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Orange A Good Bathroom Color?


CF Aces: Agata Sciacca, Giunta Maria Grazia, Giulia Castorina, Spoken Melinda, State Miriam, Vanessa Distefano, Elena Todaro, Sinanska Dzhemile, Alice Militello, Federica Scardaci, Fabiola Present (65 ° Judge Mariagrazia) Facilities: Andrea Amato. Coach: Silvia City.

EAGLES PALERMO: Tania Mineo, Maria Scardina, Schillaci Loredana, Antonina Coppola, Antonia Di Girolamo, Advanced Jessica, Joseph Bassano, Ficarotta Anna, Martina Leone, Giorgio La Monica. Coach: Giuseppe Puccio

NETWORKS: Sinanska, Militello, Present, Militello, Scardaci, Scardaci (r), Present, Present, State, County, Spoken Word.

SCORERS: Present 6 goals, 2 goals Canton, Militello, Scardaci, a network Todaro, Castorina, Sinanska, Spoken

A little "team" even the girls of Mr. Puccio to object to a team already tried and tested as the Aces. The willingness of the girls and the presence of Anna Palermo Ficarotta Advanced and Jessica could not constitute a barrier to the spread of Aces in the second half that they missed an impressive series of networks (including a penalty) because he decided to go in search of personal glory .
Instead it would be better to continue playing rationally because next week will be played the decisive game for the next round quell'Orlandia '97 that we would like to make a good impression and maybe win the group.


Yoga and women

Braving the storm, two flakes in fact, this morning I returned to yoga. I like it, and it relaxes me, attending a class where the average age is high enough, I do not even feel at fault if I can not do all the exercises, yet the other can not. I found out I had my feet too short for some exercises, I can not feel good in balance with the trunk but the exercises they do that is a pleasure and I hope to resolve in this way, the neck-shoulder incriccamenti typical of this period. Some days it gets stuck and I could not turn his head. I always laugh OMM final, I can not, are by no means a type of meditation even when there is the final moment when we must hear the breath through the belly, chest, shoulders and everything in between I sleep or think of anything else. I relax the same so I think it's fine, just can not breathe as the other, they all look together .. all of the bellows may feed a huge fireplace!

Lunch in the center where I read the magazine of Swiss women here called "Annabelle," dear, like fire and two articles by number, but the cover was interesting. On 7 February in the Swiss celebrate 40 years of voting rights for women. No sir that I have not been reading the wrong number, are only 40 years. Unfortunately this country has never thought that women had the right to vote. Better tell their men not gliel'hanno ever granted, I reproduce below some typical comments of the day: Votes for women? But do not laugh! Their brains are smaller than men, which proves that they are less intelligent. Are extreme, and should be to demonstrate without even asking permission of their husbands. And then you do not favor social equality because a woman's modesty never go to vote when pregnant, and being well known that rural women are more children of the city, they would enjoy an unfair advantage. And if women were elected then, that humiliation for their husbands! Would be forced to cook ... "
'm not quite sure that some of the Swiss do not think so still that day, but at least two-thirds of them voted for the right to vote to women, both at the cantonal level Federal.
In reality it took the efforts of their wives, mothers and daughters to get them. In 1959 he was made a first attempt, the Swiss constitution provides for equality between individuals, but it went badly and the women had to wait another 12 years. This country has many resources and so many women today, in fact, aggressive There are 4 women ministers in their government, the federal council, which consists of 7 members. So cheers: here, women hold the majority ! In the face of men that only 40 of them were laughing.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pine Wood Derby Dimple, Myth Busters

Weather .. because we always guessed here?! The cervelat

reread it after I realize almost a year, well it was almost a year I write, I speak often of the time in Switzerland. At least I started it and am continuing it seems.
But the weather here, especially the weather, fascinates me because it is completely different from what I had imagined. I had imagined to be under the snow for 4 months a year and is partly true, but it is also true that in reality other than a few weeks before Christmas when there was snow all over Europe, at least in the Swiss area Zurich, which is not snowing so much. Maybe because I'm used to and I do not notice it?!
No, no, we pay attention, then this morning that it snowed again, and it was expected, I noticed all right, and despite being a nuisance to many for me, for the child who is still in me today is a holiday. . there is snow outside!
I feel like in the Peanuts comic strip, I would be Charlie Brown, Lucy muster, Peppermint Patty, and have a dog like Snoopy, whom I grumbled that the snow is cold to go outside to play baseball diamond, complaining why do not you see the lines and even the basics.
Long live the snow! Bella, white and cold too, but that brings fun .. at least to me! Incidentally
say that out of the snow also allows you to always have an excuse to stay warm and strafogarsi chocolate .. in my case chocolate brownie ... yum yum ..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Drmrsvandertramp Definition

.. the mythical!

svizzereggiamento I'll be back in because I realized I have lost sight of why I write about this blog. I write because I want to let the world know the beauty of the country where I live .. should be 'maybe not the absolute wonders for me, poor wretch, but the wonders we live!
Basically I live in a country of which I appreciate chocolate .. god bless the great masters of Swiss chocolate (I wonder if you can say chocolate? Italian politicians are not the ones we do not .. confusion! ) and what else, ah yes, the snow-capped mountains but not snow too .. I'm pretty equal to me .. and then and then I will appreciate something other than chocolate?! We appreciate
cervelat .. now if someone ventures to read in English what a cervelat that attention well in Ticino servelat read, you will already come a stomach ache because it is a sausage but his story is pure disgust me and I do not think that would shudder to make a vegetarian. That's why "never know what you eat" ! I thought that that was worth to the third world countries, like I was wrong, even in the "first world" are not made better. The current season is not the cervelat cervelat .. well then you like all the first fruits of that respect, like I know the chestnut in autumn, has its season here in Switzerland.
cervelat say that the couple and is in its full splendor in the summer when the air is milder, feels the summer comes and goes .. lasts a month and two weeks if we're lucky if we are not. The Swiss Germans put out in an undershirt, even if there are 15 °, because the sun is shining and it's August and then you put in an undershirt. I suspect it is a cantonal law unwritten but I did not say this for sure.
At that point they are sacrificed for .. the million cervelat grill, because here is cricket that is a pleasure! No, no, I forgot the Italian, although I know it seems, but the Swiss just decline the noun grillieren grill .. so from Solothurn (Solothurn) to Basel, Zurich down through Lausanne, Lugano and putting well, cricket is a pleasure all that is not moving. So if you were never close to a nice plate of charcoal properties on and you were at least 10 minutes, move! Just to let you know that you are living flesh and not lying .. that's better!
So now I will make you laugh but cervelat here is so important that a summer (in 2008, all documented!) Was discussed for days in the papers that could become extinct (or be removed from the market) Because mad cow disease, parliamentary questions with the European community, discussions of the Association of Swiss meat producers, which by default have it with the European community. In short, a delusion .. you know how that turned out? Grillano still is the European Community has had to surrender to market a product that is a national symbol of Switzerland (also in Germany but ') not very healthy .. but good!

Monday, January 17, 2011

No Sugar Added Hot Chocolate

Women .. women .. do we want?

I continued to reflect these days on the subject of the article. It's not that you only think about this but it happens I stop to read more articles on the topic, there is a reason .. primarily because they are women too?!
According to a survey done by the Italian Ministry of Equal Opportunities on a sample of women (mothers or not) that many women have difficulty reconciling work and family, always the same women are now sharing more with the couple .. sounds strange but even without a statistic I had already noticed. Just talk to any woman, girlfriend, mother, friends of friends to hear these things.
The summary of these statistics, gathered in the White Paper suggests the guidelines. The copied it below:
maternity - paternity leave and statutory exclusive
- speed up and simplify the process for adoptions
- revision of Law 40 on assisted procreation.
- flexible working for all

- potenziamanto network of public and private kindergartens.
- extension of full-time schools open longer.
- the establishment of the figurative contributions and contributions to supplement the work of looking after the elderly
- more effective policies of conciliation and care services for children and seniors
- a more tax advantageous for companies that recruit women and increased deductions for
families - a prize to the "D factor" in the company
- more women in politics
- neighborhood anti-violence courses
- campaigns and observers for a more positive image of women
- educational interventions against stereotypes

Of all these points what impressed me most is that I would be happy to implement that there are certainly working on the flexibility that I mean not only for women but especially for the man because if the woman has a right to the part time to pick up their children to school and to be with them this must also apply to the father. I'm tired of hearing people in milan, much like in other Italian cities, who say they can not be absent because of his career and even my wife thinks that the part-time.Il part-time one can even ask him, without feeling least not for this man.
course many times do not do this because at the end is always the man who gets paid more on average Women's and as they say "not worth the candle." We call the family budget at a glance!
further issues are not entirely agree, are difficult to implement and suffer more in times of crisis to be set aside. Educational interventions against such stereotypes, I agree in principle that young men are educated to see the woman beyond physical appearance. The Italian prime minister does not help in this unfortunately!
I think the school can help but if your child / aa house does not see that there is a division of tasks between the father and mother, the mother is always willing to take care of running the home and that his father takes up only occasionally to help at home, the message goes only part of the school.
So welcome aid school but be sure that at least the state television, that paying people not to propose always the same products in which the woman is just an object or a good cook.

Vancouver Gay District


BASIN GOLD MONREALE: Bellino, Earn, Levantine, Cimino (89 ° Gargano), Cannatella, Tripoli, Arcangelo, Lo Monaco, Gambino, Intravaia, Sciarratta. Facilities: Amelio, Di Maio. Coach: Mama Rosalia

CF Aces: Sciacca, Naples, Castorina (90 ° Musumeci) Scardaci, Sinanska, Gambino, Fish, Capponi, State (85 ° De Pasquale), Pecorino Meli, Present. Facilities: Distefano, Speech, Todaro. Manager: Valerio Caniglia.

NETWORKS: 47 ° and 80 ° Fish

Booked: money (M), Castorina (A), Tripoli (M), Archangel (M)

Frankly by a team led by a myth of women's football as Rosalia Mommy waited longer and less physical game, something for which there is ample testimony in the list of footballers warned unusually long for a game of women's football series C.

Frankly I did not expect the falls in Acese field with the superficiality of the first class bored because he had to do a task already done and written. Obviously the experience has not taught enough.

If we add that the race director did a great job in frustrating for both teams for a convoluted series of decisions in favor of one hour, in favor of the hour, the picture is completed by describing a horrible game to forget and closed by two flashes of Angie Fish at the beginning and the end of the second half. A little 'just for a team built to win as the Acese fluency in the Serie B championship and have maintained that only questionable events in C. The absence of safe custody of footballers as Patty Caccamo, Andrea Amato and roasted beans can not and should not justify the fool remedied

Luckily think the pursuers ..... the goalless draw with Messina Ludos of Aces brings to seven point lead. Will our heroines to dispel it?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Can I Take Nyquil With Mucinex-d


ENODORO MARSALA: Campanella, Baiata, Horse, Galfano. Pulizzi, Scavone, Brown, Chimieri, Strippoli, Lanza; Coach: Joseph Chirco .

CF Aces: Sciacca, Giunta, Castorina, Speech, State, Distefano, Todaro (75 ° Judge), Sinanska, Militello, Scardaci, Present; Facilities: Amato. Coach: Silvia City

NETWORKS: Present 62 °, 66 ° Present, Todaro 69 °, 73 ° Present, 82 ° Castorina.

held up until the 15th of the second half, then they can not cancel, once again, a goal very regular felt that a draw was not really possible to go ahead: after that swept the Aces has five goals in less than half an hour!
Obviously we are talking about the race director of the section of Marsala.
not think it's beautiful what's happening in the 'Championship' Spring: A one-way races, officials of the place, and so on.
The referee annulled a goal very regular, interrupted attack actions for implementing a non-existent offside totally useless mechanism to protect the citizens. The gap was so high that even a person completely unaware he would have understood that sooner or later Aces have scored. We never doubted
to bring home the victory, but in a league where the end is also the goal difference for the rest of the event we feel cheated and heavily penalized

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Crooked Upper Denture

8.a DAY: EVEN OVER THE Ludos 6-1!

CFACESE: City, Naples, Tosto (Castorina) Scardaci, Sinanska, Gambino, Fish (Todaro), Capponi (Spoken), Caccamo (De Pasquale), Pecorino Meli, Present (Musumeci). Facilities: Sciacca, Distefano, Manager: Valerio Caniglia.

ASD Ludos: Fragapane, Di Fiore, Garnet, Cirrincione, Easter, Advanced, Governale, Giaimo, The Morning Buttaccio Tardio, will manage it. Facilities: Spina, Caruso, Castle, Cozzo. Coach: Antonio Licciardi

NETWORKS: Caccamo 20 °, 48 ° Pecorino Meli, 70 is present, Naples 75 °, 79 ° Caccamo, 80 ° Pecorino Meli (own goal), 84 °

Fish have all the girls dell'Acese ... also the goal of Ludos!
Girls Antonella Licciardi have been submitted to the City decided to sell life dearly.
only the fifth minute of the experience Silvia City avoided a network that already seemed realized.
This seemed to hypnotize the aces who stuttered until the 20th Caccamo Patty slipped Fragapane with a beautiful shot to the far post. The
Ludos still believed Arremba and to achieve parity. So ended the first half.
the beginning of the 2nd time to the first corner to Lory Pecorino slingshots on the ball is coming from the corner and produced the second goal dell'acese. The
Ludos did not give up and forced to re-open the game but the defense on the restarts are shattered regularly joust with attention Graziana Naples.
Until the 70th after a fine goal annulled for fuorigoco to doubt herself, Fabiola attendance swelled for the third time the network Fragapane. From this moment
Ludos lost all ability to fight and suffered in quick succession a network of Graziana Naples, ready to argue a corner on the net, Patty Caccamo, and after a spectacular own goal by Lory Pecorino, even Angie Fish.