Monday, January 17, 2011

No Sugar Added Hot Chocolate

Women .. women .. do we want?

I continued to reflect these days on the subject of the article. It's not that you only think about this but it happens I stop to read more articles on the topic, there is a reason .. primarily because they are women too?!
According to a survey done by the Italian Ministry of Equal Opportunities on a sample of women (mothers or not) that many women have difficulty reconciling work and family, always the same women are now sharing more with the couple .. sounds strange but even without a statistic I had already noticed. Just talk to any woman, girlfriend, mother, friends of friends to hear these things.
The summary of these statistics, gathered in the White Paper suggests the guidelines. The copied it below:
maternity - paternity leave and statutory exclusive
- speed up and simplify the process for adoptions
- revision of Law 40 on assisted procreation.
- flexible working for all

- potenziamanto network of public and private kindergartens.
- extension of full-time schools open longer.
- the establishment of the figurative contributions and contributions to supplement the work of looking after the elderly
- more effective policies of conciliation and care services for children and seniors
- a more tax advantageous for companies that recruit women and increased deductions for
families - a prize to the "D factor" in the company
- more women in politics
- neighborhood anti-violence courses
- campaigns and observers for a more positive image of women
- educational interventions against stereotypes

Of all these points what impressed me most is that I would be happy to implement that there are certainly working on the flexibility that I mean not only for women but especially for the man because if the woman has a right to the part time to pick up their children to school and to be with them this must also apply to the father. I'm tired of hearing people in milan, much like in other Italian cities, who say they can not be absent because of his career and even my wife thinks that the part-time.Il part-time one can even ask him, without feeling least not for this man.
course many times do not do this because at the end is always the man who gets paid more on average Women's and as they say "not worth the candle." We call the family budget at a glance!
further issues are not entirely agree, are difficult to implement and suffer more in times of crisis to be set aside. Educational interventions against such stereotypes, I agree in principle that young men are educated to see the woman beyond physical appearance. The Italian prime minister does not help in this unfortunately!
I think the school can help but if your child / aa house does not see that there is a division of tasks between the father and mother, the mother is always willing to take care of running the home and that his father takes up only occasionally to help at home, the message goes only part of the school.
So welcome aid school but be sure that at least the state television, that paying people not to propose always the same products in which the woman is just an object or a good cook.


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