Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Are The Best Running Shoes For Narrow Feet

Peanuts and psychology

read "strips" Peanuts, as the Americans call them, I always put in a good mood. In a few lines of what is collected there is more true in human relationships.
The fact that children do not change things much, I often feel that dialogues between adults with perhaps the most sought after items (maybe even with so many bad words ..) but in the end the meaning is the same.
Take a typical conversation between men and women, like that of Schroeder, the little crazy pianist, and the legendary Lucy, filled with paranoia and slightly authoritarian
Schroeder plays the piano (as usual) and Lucy listen (hanging on the floor, as usual)
Lucy, and if you and I were married one day, Schroeder?
Lucy: and if we were so poor as to be forced to sell your plan to buy the pots?
Schroeder : pots?
Lucy: Sure, that do not want to eat without a good set of saucepans, right?
Schroeder : POTS?!
Lucy : girls need to think about these things .. the guys are lucky .. do not have to worry about things like pots ..
Schroeder (with hands on his face!) Can not stand it .. just can not stand it .. He continues to play
ignore ..
Lucy : hmm .. we need a station wagon, a sedan and a spider .. our house should be at millionaires .. pianists make money?
Schroeder: I do not know .. I guess it depends upon how you carry ..
Lucy: Yeah ..
Lucy: Well, probably I will need half a dozen fur, at least thirty ski suits and elegant dresses .. fifty piles of jewelry and exotic fragrances and a hundred pairs of shoes ..
we have an Olympic pool, heated, race horses, a tennis court and a huge Italian garden .. of course we will travel and cruises around the world this kind of thing .. .. e..
Schroeder has stopped playing ..
Lucy : continue to engage, baby!

I love them .. you do not?


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