Friday, January 21, 2011

Orange A Good Bathroom Color?


CF Aces: Agata Sciacca, Giunta Maria Grazia, Giulia Castorina, Spoken Melinda, State Miriam, Vanessa Distefano, Elena Todaro, Sinanska Dzhemile, Alice Militello, Federica Scardaci, Fabiola Present (65 ° Judge Mariagrazia) Facilities: Andrea Amato. Coach: Silvia City.

EAGLES PALERMO: Tania Mineo, Maria Scardina, Schillaci Loredana, Antonina Coppola, Antonia Di Girolamo, Advanced Jessica, Joseph Bassano, Ficarotta Anna, Martina Leone, Giorgio La Monica. Coach: Giuseppe Puccio

NETWORKS: Sinanska, Militello, Present, Militello, Scardaci, Scardaci (r), Present, Present, State, County, Spoken Word.

SCORERS: Present 6 goals, 2 goals Canton, Militello, Scardaci, a network Todaro, Castorina, Sinanska, Spoken

A little "team" even the girls of Mr. Puccio to object to a team already tried and tested as the Aces. The willingness of the girls and the presence of Anna Palermo Ficarotta Advanced and Jessica could not constitute a barrier to the spread of Aces in the second half that they missed an impressive series of networks (including a penalty) because he decided to go in search of personal glory .
Instead it would be better to continue playing rationally because next week will be played the decisive game for the next round quell'Orlandia '97 that we would like to make a good impression and maybe win the group.


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